Planning for a CP4BA Process Federation Server production deployment

Before you install Process Federation Server, it is important to understand what you need.

Restriction: You cannot federate stand-alone IBM Business Automation Workflow on containers with Process Federation Server installed on OpenShift® from Cloud Pak for Business Automation.

Required components

The following diagram shows the components that are required for Process Federation Server. You need to prepare for all the required components. For more information about what other components that IBM Automation foundation includes, see Capabilities for production deployments.
Process Federation Server capability diagram
The following table describes the foundation components that are optional or always included with a Process Federation Server deployment.
Table 1. Installed foundation components with Process Federation Server
Components Installed
Application Engine (AE) (data persistence optional) Optional
Resource Registry (RR) Installed if Application Engine is selected.
Default foundational services, which include
  • IBM Cloud Pak Platform UI (or Zen UI)
  • Identity Management (IM)
  • Common Web UI Service
  • License Service
  • Certificate management
OpenSearch Always
Business Teams Service (BTS) Optional
IBM Business Automation Navigator Optional

System requirements

Process Federation Server containers are based on Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI), and are Red Hat and IBM certified. To use the image, the administrator must make sure that the target cluster on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform has the capacity for Process Federation Server. For more information about system requirements for the optional components and system considerations, see Multi-pattern system requirements.

The Detailed system requirements page provides a cluster requirements guideline for IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation.

The minimum cluster configuration and physical resources that are needed to run the Cloud Pak include the following elements:
  • Hardware architecture: Intel (amd64 or x86_64 the 64-bit edition for Linux® x86) on all platforms, Linux on IBM Z, or Linux on Power.
  • Node counts: Dual compute nodes for non-production and production clusters. A minimum of three nodes are needed for medium and large production environments and large test environments. Any cluster configuration needs to adapt to the size of the project and the workload that is expected.

Based on your cluster requirement, you can pick a deployment profile (sc_deployment_profile_size) and enable it during installation. Cloud Pak for Business Automation provides small, medium, and large deployment profiles. You can set the profile during installation, in an update, and during an upgrade.

The default profile is small. Before you install the Cloud Pak, you can change the profile to medium or large. You can scale up or down a profile anytime after installation. However, if you install with a medium profile and another Cloud Pak specifies a medium or large profile then if you scale down to size small, the profile for the foundational services remains as it is. You can scale down the foundational services to small only if no other Cloud Pak specifies a medium or large size.
Attention: The values in the hardware requirements tables were derived under specific operating and environment conditions. The information is accurate under specific conditions, but the results that are obtained in your operating environments might vary significantly. Therefore, IBM cannot provide any representations, assurances, guarantees, or warranties regarding the performance of the profiles in your environment.

The following table describes each deployment profile.

Table 2. Deployment profiles and estimated workloads
Profile Description Scaling (per 8-hour day) Minimum number of worker nodes
Small (no HA) For environments that are used by 10 developers and 25 users. For environments that are used by a single department with a few users; useful for application development.
  • Supports failover
  • StatefulSet provides high availability (HA)
Medium For environments that are used by 20 developers and 125 users. For environments that are used by a single department and by limited users.
  • Supports HA and failover
  • Provides at least two replicas of most services, if configuring failover
Large For environments that are used by 50 developers and 625 users. For environments that are shared by multiple departments and users.
  • Supports HA and failover
  • Provides at least two replicas of most services, if configuring failover

You can use custom resource templates to update the hardware requirements. The following tables provide the default resources for each profile size.

Attention: The values in the hardware requirements tables were derived under specific operating and environment conditions. The information is accurate under the given conditions, but results that are obtained in your operating environments might vary significantly. Therefore, IBM cannot provide any representations, assurances, guarantees, or warranties regarding the performance of the profiles in your environment.
Table 3. Operator default requirements for all profile sizes
Operator CPU Request (m) CPU Limit (m) Memory Request (Mi) Memory Limit (Mi) Number of replicas
Process Federation Server operator 100 500 20 1024 1
Cloud Pak for Business Automation 500 1000 256 2048 1
Cloud Pak for Business Automation Foundation operator 500 1000 256 2048 1
Table 4. Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator default requirements for a small profile
Component CPU Request (m) CPU Limit (m) Memory Request (Mi) Memory Limit (Mi) Number of replicas Pods are licensed for production/nonproduction
Process Federation Service 200 1000 512 1024 1 No
OpenSearch Service 500 800 820 2048 1 No
Table 5. Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator default requirements for a medium profile
Component CPU Request (m) CPU Limit (m) Memory Request (Mi) Memory Limit (Mi) Number of replicas Pods are licensed for production/nonproduction
Process Federation Service 200 1000 512 1024 2 No
OpenSearch Service 500 1000 3512 5120 3 No
Table 6. Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator default requirements for a large profile
Component CPU Request (m) CPU Limit (m) Memory Request (Mi) Memory Limit (Mi) Number of replicas Pods are licensed for production/nonproduction
Process Federation Service 200 1000 750 1512 2 No
OpenSearch Service 1000 2000 3512 5128 3 No
For all profile sizes, Process Federation Server also creates the jobs in the following table.
Job CPU Request (m) Memory Request (Mi)
pfs-ums-job 200 256
workplace-job 200 128

Storage considerations

To run stateful applications, you need to store the persistent data in a managed storage that is backed by some physical storage. Volumes allow a state to persist across pods.

The supported storage providers for a deployment of Process Federation Server include the IBM Storage Suite for IBM Cloud Paks. For more information, see Why IBM Storage Suite for IBM Cloud Paks.

The following table lists the capabilities and disk space requirements for production deployments. Ranges are for small to large environments.

Note: For information about sizing and storage options for the foundational services, see Hardware requirements and recommendations and Storage options.

The following table provides storage requirements for the required components. Kubernetes access modes include Read Write Once (RWO), Read Write Many (RWX), and Read Only Many (ROX).

Table 7. Storage requirements
Deployment Storage type Disk space Access mode Number of persistent volumes for non-HA/HA Posix compliance
Process Federation Service File 6 GB RWO 2 (output store, log store) Posix compliance not needed
Open Search Service (for Cloud Pak) File 155 GB RWO for data store, RWX for snapshot store 2 (data store, snapshot store) Posix compliance not needed
OpenSearch Service (for stand-alone Business Automation Workflow on containers) File 40 GB RWO for data store, RWX for snapshot store 2 (data store, snapshot store) Posix compliance not needed

For storage considerations for the optional components, see Storage considerations.

Other considerations