Federating IBM Business Automation Workflow in CP4BA

After you configure Process Federation Server, you can deploy and federate IBM Business Automation Workflow in Cloud Pak for Business Automation when Process Federation Server is in the same namespace.

Note: This topic is for IBM Business Automation Workflow in Cloud Pak for Business Automation only. The Process Federation Server in Cloud Pak for Business Automation cannot federate stand-alone IBM Business Automation Workflow on containers servers.


  1. Update the baw_configuration section in the custom resource (CR) to add the Process Federation Server configuration.
      - name: "<Required>"
        ## Whether the Business Automation Workflow instance hosts federated Process Portal.
        ## The value is either true or false.
        host_federated_portal: <Required>
          # Hostname of PFS. You could get it from external URL in PFS CR status.
          hostname: "<Required>"
          # context root prefix, e.g. "/pfs". You could get it from external URL in PFS CR status.
          context_root_prefix: "<Required>"
  2. Apply your CR.
  3. Verify your configuration by running the Process Federation Server federation API to make sure IBM Business Automation Workflow is federated.
    1. Get your Process Federation Server REST base URL by running the command:
      oc get pfs -o=jsonpath='{.items[0].status.endpoints[?(@.name=="Process Federation Server External base URL")].uri}'
    2. Run the systems metadata REST API to get the federated systems and make sure that the deployed workflow is federated.
      For example, the URL might look like: