Searching for process instances in the Inspector

You can search for and view your previously run and currently running process instances in the Inspector. You can manage running instances and interact with them.

Developers who have read access to the project can use the Inspector to work with instances and tasks for debugging purposes.

About this task

You can view process instances that are associated with the currently open version in the designer including any processes from dependent toolkits. You can suspend, resume, terminate, or delete process instances and interact with them by starting or debugging tasks, and viewing and changing variable values.


  1. Open a process.
  2. Click Search "magnifying glass", which opens the Inspector mode.
  3. In the search panel, define the search criteria for the Inspector.
    Each section in the search panel has an AND relationship with the other sections.
    For example, to search for an active process instance of that is overdue, you select the Active status check box and the Overdue severity type check box.
    Tip: Selecting no check boxes in a section is the same as selecting all of the check boxes. That is, if you want to see all process instances regardless of their status, you can select all of status check boxes or clear all of them.
    Within a section, each element has an OR relationship except for the last modified date section. Each field in that section has an AND relationship.
    For example, if you know that a process instance completed three days ago, set the From date in the last modified section to three days ago. You might narrow the results by setting the To date to two days ago so that the results show only the process instances that changed three days ago.
  4. Click Search.
    The results panel lists the process instances that fulfill all of the criteria. The list of process instances is a snapshot. It is not automatically updated to include any process instances that are created after you do the search.
  5. In the results panel, select the process instance or process instances that you are interested in viewing.
    You can select instances in two ways:
    • If you click the instance text, you clear any existing selected instances and select the clicked instance.
    • If you hover on the instance text, a check mark becomes visible. If you then click the check mark, the clicked instance is added to any existing selected instances.
    The details panel updates to display information about the selected instance or instances.

    If you selected more than one instance, the details panel lists their status along with any actions that are common to all of the selected instances.

    If you selected one instance, the details panel displays information about the process instance. This information includes the activities and tasks that are associated with the instance, the data of the instance and other details.

  6. You can click an instance to select it, and run or debug the instance in the panel on the right.

What to do next

To return to the designer, click the X icon beside the Search process instances title at the top of the window.