Inspector reference

You can use the Inspector to run and debug your processes, services and tasks during iterative development.
When you run a process or client-side human service, the Inspector opens to the right of the diagram, showing information about the instance. The tasks, activities and data that make up your process are grouped in sections. You can expand these sections, and see the actions that are available for each task or activity. You can click on a task or activity to see its details. There is also a menu of actions available at the top of the Inspector, depending on the state of the instance. The following table describes each section of the Inspector, the information provided in it, and the actions that you can perform.
Table 1.
Section Description
Title The name of the process or service and the instance ID. For example, Hiring Process:54
Actions The actions that you can perform on the instance. For example, you can choose an action such as suspending a process instance or terminating it.
Details Information about the instance such as the process name, process application name, its status, and when the process instance started.
Activities The ad hoc activities in the process, and the actions that you can take for each activity. You can filter the activities by state.
  • Ready shows manual activities that are in READY or WAITING state.
  • In progress shows all activities that are in WORKING state or automatic activities that are in WAITING state.
  • Complete shows activities that are in COMPLETED, FAILED, and DISABLED states.
  • All shows all activities regardless of their state.
You can click an activity to view information about it.
Tasks The tasks that are part of the in the instance, and the actions that you can take for each task. You can click a task to view information about it.
Location For tasks, the step that currently has a token and all of its parent processes that are waiting on that token.
Data The data associated with the selected process instance, activity, or task. The data is editable so that you can change its values unless the process instance is completed or terminated or the task is closed. Data for instances or tasks in these states is not editable. For example, if you have an activity that has a problem and is not updating certain variables, you can edit those variables so that they have the appropriate values when the flow leaves that activity.
Timers The timers that are currently active. You can trigger a timer to immediately send the flow along the path that exits from the timer. For example, a review activity has an attached timer (a boundary event) that leads to an escalation path. If you override the timer, the flow immediately takes the escalation path. Overriding a timer that creates a delay cancels the delay.
Message events The message events that are currently waiting to receive a message.
Relationships The relationships that the selected instance has with other instances. Each relationship is of one of the following types:
  • Related, which means that the selected instance has an independent association with the other instance.
  • Dependent, which means that the selected instance is a dependent of the other instance such as a child in a parent-child relationship.
  • Dependency, which means that the selected instance depends on the other instance such as the parent in a parent-child relationship. With this type of relationship, certain actions that you perform on the selected instance are also performed on the other instance.