Using process instrumentation data for cache tuning
In the Server Admin area of the Process Admin Console, you can select Monitoring > Instrumentation to display process instrumentation data in the Instrumentation monitor. If the displayed data indicates an unexpectedly high number of cache misses for the cache settings, you might be able to edit the 100Custom.xml files and override the problematic default values of the cache settings; however, not all caches are configurable. The persistent object (PO) factory cache settings and repository cache settings are reflected in the PO Factory and Repository sections of the Instrumentation monitor. In some situations, you might need to override the default values for the cache settings with new values.
For more information about using the Instrumentation monitor to display or log process instrumentation data, see the topic Capturing process instrumentation data.
Unconfigurable caches
- ContextAndTypeTreeElements
- ContextTreeElements
- Dependency
- ManagedAssets
- ProjectDependency
- SOAPConnector.XMLTypeDescriptors
- UUIDListKey
- Version Details
- VersionSummaryId
- WebAPIUserID
- XMLTypeDescriptorContextContextAndTypeTreeElements
PO factory cache settings and repository cache settings
For both PO factory cache settings and repository cache settings, a cache hit rate of 90% is considered to be quite satisfactory. However, cache misses higher than 50% require some investigation. To improve the ratio of cache hits to cache misses, you can specify new values for the cache settings in the 100Custom.xml files. The new values will override the existing default values for the cache settings that are typically located in other XML configuration files, such as the 00Static.xml files. Generally, cache setting modification is an iterative task.
For information about the use and location of the 100Custom.xml files and the associated XML configuration files, see the topic The 100Custom.xml file and configuration and its subtopics.
The PO factory cache settings and repository cache settings that are reflected in the Instrumentation monitor are described in the following sections:
PO factory cache settings
A persistent object (PO) factory is a class that is used to create persistent objects. There is a PO factory for each persistent object type and each PO factory has a cache for caching persistent objects of that type.
There are two types of PO factory settings in Business Automation Workflow: versioned and unversioned. For a versioned persistent object, each time an object is changed, the new object is saved separately and does not overwrite the old version. This allows you to view changes over time. For an unversioned persistent object, only the latest modification is retained and older versions are discarded.
The following table lists the versioned and unversioned persistent objects that are located in the PO Factory > Cache Hits and PO Factory > Cache Misses sections of the Instrumentation monitor. The table also lists the corresponding PO factory cache settings that you might need to override to improve the ratio of cache hits to cache misses. All cache settings are enabled in the XML configuration files unless indicated otherwise.
Type of PO in the Instrumentation monitor | Setting and description | Setting to add or update in the 100Custom.xml file |
One of:
Artifact BPDArtifactReference BPDParameter BlueprintSubscription BPDEvent BPDParameter Coach CoachResource CoachView Connector Contribution ESArtifact EnvironmentVariable EnvironmentVariableSet Epv EpvVar EventSubscription ExtendedProperty ExtendedPropertySet HistoricalScenario InfoPathForm Layout ManagedAsset Metric Participant ProjectDefaults ProjectDependency RefPO Report ReportVariable ResourceBundleGroup SLA Scoreboard SimulationScenario TimingInterval TrackingGroup UITheme UserAttributeDefinition WebService |
One of:
BPMSnapshotStatus CaseProperty ECMObject EnvironmentType GovernanceAssignment GovernanceEvent MonitorProjectInterchange PCIndexAction PCIndexer PCRegistration Priority ProjectSubscribed ProjectSubscription RepositoryLog SharedToolKitUsage Snapshot TimePeriod |
One of:
Project ContentObject ContentObjectInstance |
Repository cache settings
The following table lists the repository cache settings that are reflected in the Repository section of the Instrumentation monitor. In some situations, you may need to override the cache setting values to improve the ratio of cache hits to cache misses. All cache settings are enabled in the XML configuration files unless indicated otherwise.
Name | Setting and description | Setting to add or update in the 100Custom.xml file |
Branch context cache |
branch-context-max-cache-size This setting specifies the maximum number of branch contexts that are held in the Branch Manager cache, which contains metadata about the contents of snapshots in memory and is used to improve performance of certain operations. The default value is 64. The setting is located in the applicable .00Static.xml files, but updates to the default value of the setting must be made by adding the setting to the 100Custom.xml files. If your process applications are especially large and there are memory issues in the Business Automation Workflow server, it may be necessary to reduce the value of the setting, particularly on runtime servers where a new branch is created for each deployed snapshot. Similarly, for a process server in a memory-constrained environment, reducing the Branch Manager cache size can reduce heap memory for large process applications. However, you may need to increase the value of the setting if the authored process application has a large number of dependencies on toolkits. A toolkit with one business object takes less than 1 MB of memory for the branch cache entry and the snapshot cache. The Process Portal application uses about 11 MB of memory. The system data toolkit uses several hundred MB of memory. There is a difference in memory usage because of the complexity of the relationships between the artifacts in the project and the volume of artifacts in each project. Therefore, it is difficult to precisely predict the amount of additional memory that will be used when you are tuning the branch cache. To calculate the optimal value for speed
at the expense of memory on a Workflow Server environment with
multiple process applications deployed, one approach is to take a
row count of table LSW_BRANCH in the database, multiply this number
by 1.1, and then use the result as the value for the branch-context-max-cache-size setting.
This approach assumes that all process applications are in relatively
frequent use and that you want their contexts in memory. If a single
process application is deployed, the optimal value is the number of
dependencies of this process application plus one.
Note: Whenever a
new process application or snapshot is deployed or deleted from the Workflow Server environment,
you need to consider adapting the cache size.
Snapshot context cache |
snapshot-cache-size-per-branch This setting specifies the number of snapshots that are cached for a single branch in Workflow Center. The default value is 64. In Workflow Server environments, you can retain the default value because this setting is ignored on Workflow Server. Each deployed snapshot is deployed to a unique branch on Workflow Server, which means that the snapshot cache contains only one entry. The snapshot cache is tuned independently from the branch cache. Each branch cache entry contains a snapshot cache. In Workflow Center, all the snapshots on a branch use the same branch cache entry; therefore, the number of entries in the snapshot cache might be more than one. The number of entries that are needed depends on the number of snapshots that have been accessed. Snapshots are accessed when the snapshot is activated or when Process Designer users view artifacts, play back artifacts, or do both at a specific snapshot version. Therefore, tuning the snapshot cache size is necessary only for the Workflow Center server. The necessity to tune the snapshot cache is based on anticipated usage patterns. Snapshot cache entries can be quite large because they depend on application content. It is not uncommon for snapshot cache entries to reach several hundred MBs. The size depends on the complexity and volume of the artifacts in a given snapshot. For very large projects and process applications, reducing the value of the snapshot-cache-size-per-branch setting can reduce heap memory requirements (but with a corresponding degradation of performance due to more frequent database usage). The setting is located in the applicable 00Static.xml files, but updates to the default value of the setting must be made by adding the setting to the 100Custom.xml files. |