Move Decision Center data

Move your original on-premises data to the Decision Center of the Cloud Pak.

Before you begin

Generate the Zen API key as described in Generating API keys for authentication. Then, generate a base64 format of your Zen API key as described in Authorizing HTTP requests by using the Zen API key.

About this task

Now that you have a URL to access your Decision Center on the Cloud Pak, you use curl to run an administrative endpoint of the Decision Center REST API that moves the Decision Center data.

The administrative endpoint of the Decision Center REST API does the following actions:

  • Uploads to the server the database archive that you exported from your on-premises installation, and then expands it into a temporary directory.
  • Imports the expanded archive to your target database in background mode.

You use two Decision Center REST APIs:

  • /v1/repository/dump/import: Imports a database dump into the Decision Center repository. It uses the following parameters:
    • backgroundMode: If set to true, it runs the import as a background task. By default, it is set to false.
    • eraseSchema: If set to true, it deletes and replaces the existing schema. By default, it is set to false.
    • datasource: The data source where the repository is located. By default, it uses jdbc/datasource.
  • /v1/repository/dump/background: Checks the state of the import task that runs in the background. A No response means the import is complete.

For hostport, specify the URL to access Decision Center on the Cloud Pak. Make sure that the URL ends with /decisioncenter-api.

The optional argument <datasource> can be used to specify the data source if it is different from jdbc/ilogDataSource.

To prevent certificate problems when you move your data, use the -k option.


  1. In your on-premises installation of Operational Decision Manager, export your on-premises Decision Center database by using one of the two options that are described in Prepare for the Decision Center data export.
  2. With the base64 format of your Zen API key (XXX) described in the Before you begin section, use the following curl command to upload and expand your database archive to the server, and then import it to your new database location:
    curl -k -H "Authorization: ZenApiKey XXX" -X POST "host:port/odm/decisioncenter-api/v1/repository/dump/import?backgroundMode=true&eraseSchema=true" -H "Content-Type: multipart/form-data" -F ";type=application/zip"

    After this command completes, the import can take some time depending on the size of your database content.

  3. To make sure that the import is complete, run the following command until it returns No, which means that the background task is done:
    curl -k -H "Authorization: ZenApiKey XXX" -X GET "host:port/odm/decisioncenter-api/v1/repository/dump/background"

    When the import is complete, Decision Center in the Cloud Pak is ready to be used.

  4. Review your server definitions in the Decision Center Business Console > Administration > Servers tab. Adjust them with the new URL for Rule Execution Server and Rule Execution Runner.
  5. To verify that everything works as planned, you can run a deployment.


Your original on-premises data has now been moved to the Decision Center of the Cloud Pak.

Important: You can no longer use your on-premises environment. The environments are now separated, and any changes you make on premises are not copied to the cloud.

What to do next

Go to Modernize.