Setting the time zone in Business Automation Workflow

You might need to change the default JVM setting for the time zone in Business Automation Workflow because it is set to Central European Time (CET) by default. By changing a JVM argument to a different time zone, you can change the dates and calendars you see in the user interface.

Before you begin

You can customize the JVM arguments for a production instance at installation time, or use the default settings. Use the jvm_customize_options parameter in the custom resources .yaml file.


  1. Choose one of the following methods to set the time zone:
    • In the custom resource (CR) file, change the timezone parameter to the time zone you want. For example:
        - name: bawins1
          ## JVM options separated with spaces, for example: -Dtest1=test -Dtest2=test2.
              timezone: Etc/UTC
    • In the custom resource (CR) file, change the jvm_customize_options parameter to the time zone you want. For example:
        - name: bawins1
          ## JVM options separated with spaces, for example: -Dtest1=test -Dtest2=test2.
          jvm_customize_options: "-Duser.timezone=America/Chicago"
  2. Modify the existing containers by running the kubectl apply command on the custom resources .yaml file.
    kubectl apply -f custom_resources.yaml


The operator modifies the application to use the new configmap and updates the /config/configDropins/overrides/jvm.options file.