Configuring custom case extensions for a container environment

In IBM Business Automation Workflow, you can configure custom case extensions for a container environment.


To configure a custom case extension for a container environment:

  1. Add the custom extension package .zip file to the custom plugins persistent volume directory of IBM Content Navigator.
  2. Specify the custom extension in the comma-separated list of custom extension names in your custom resource definition (CRD) file. For example:
    custom_extension_name: ""
  3. Apply the custom resource definition to your OpenShift environment.
  4. If you made modifications to your custom extension package after initial deployment and you want to redeploy the package, complete the following steps:
    1. Delete the custom_extension_name.ok file from the following folder:
    2. Delete the case Init job in OpenShift and the system will rerun the case Init job and redeploy your custom extensive package.
    Note: If you are using custom case extensions that reference IBM Case Manager resources, you must update the implementation code and repackage the .zip file. This is required for an IBM Business Automation Workflow container environment because the case resources are located on the IBM Business Automation Workflow container and your custom plug-in is deployed on the IBM Content Navigator container. This is especially important if you are upgrading from legacy IBM Case Manager or from an embedded IBM Content Navigator environment where IBM Content Navigator and IBM Business Automation Workflow case components are using the same WebSphere® profile.

    For example, if your custom extension bootstrap JavaScript file contains references to the ICMClient web application that is included by default in IBM Business Automation Workflow, update the relative path bootstrap JavaScript file with the absolute path for the ICMClient web application that is running on the IBM Business Automation Workflow server. Typically, this JavaScript file is available in the following location:


What to do next

If you want to see a visual representation of the extended history for a case, see Optional: Enabling the Timeline Visualizer widget to display Business Automation Workflow process activity flow.

After you've done any optional steps and prepared for each capability that you want to install, deploy the custom resource (CR) file. See Creating a production deployment.