Completing the IBM Operational Decision Manager upgrade

After the operator upgrades your deployment of Operational Decision Manager, you might need to perform some additional steps to complete the upgrade process.

Before you begin

Check for the following configuration parameters:

Table 1. ODM docker parameters
Configuration parameters Comments
odm_configuration.image.tag If your CR does not include this parameter, you can safely ignore it. If you have an image tag, either remove it from the CR or set the value to the new image tag 24.0.0.

Values can be removed from the tag parameters if you want to use the digest value. For more information, see Choosing image tags or digests.

odm_configuration.version If your CR does not include this parameter, you can safely ignore it. If you have a version, remove the line from the CR.

The version parameter is optional. If it is not present, the appVersion value is used.

About this task

After the operator upgrades your deployment of Operational Decision Manager, you might need to perform some additional steps to complete the upgrade process.


Operational Decision Manager 9.0.0 uses JDK 17. It is recommended that you rebuild and redeploy the decision service archives. For more information, see Upgrading the Rule Execution Server console and execution stacks and Software requirements.