Completing the IBM Automation Workstream Services upgrade
After the operator upgrades your deployment of IBM Automation Workstream Services, you might need to perform some additional steps to complete the upgrade process.
- Optional: If you want Workstream Services to continue to be federated, upgrade Process Federation Server. For more information, see Upgrading Process Federation Server on Red Hat OpenShift from 23.0.2.
- Optional: If you enabled full text search or you federated Workflow with
Process Federation Server, you must rebuild the
case indexes. The process indexes will automatically rebuild in the new OpenSearch cluster.
For more details on case indexing REST API, see Indexing case instances.Note: You can ignore this step if you are using external Elasticsearch or OpenSearch and did not migrate to the OpenSearch that is included with Cloud Pak for Business Automation.
- To validate the upgrade:
- You can see which images were recently pulled by running a command similar to the
following command, where
is your Cloud Pak for Business Automation namespace:for i in $(oc get pod -n ${NAMESPACE} --no-headers|awk '{print $1}') do oc describe pod $i| awk '/Pulled/{print "'$i'",$0}' done
- To check the status of the pods, run the following command:
oc get pods -n ${NAMESPACE}
- Get the URLs and log in to Workstream Services to get started.
To get the URL of the web applications and the user credentials to log in, access the Config Maps from the OpenShift® web console.
- Log in to your cluster web console.
- Select your namespace.
- In the left window, select Workloads > Config Maps.
- Find cp4ba-access-info. You can get IBM Cloud Pak® dashboard information from workflow-server-access-info.
- Access Workstream Services by using the URLs in workflow-server-access-info.
- Check the status and endpoints for Workstream Services from the OpenShift console or from the command line.
- Check the status and endpoints from the OpenShift console.
- In the left menu, select Operators > Installed Operators.
- At the beginning of the right window, select your project (namespace).
- Click the installed operator for IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation.
- Go to the CP4BA deployment tab page.
- Click your deployment (for example, icp4adeploy).
- Go to the YAML tab page.
- Find the top level
element. Then check every component's status. For example:status: components: ... baw: bawDeployment: Ready bawService: Ready bawZenIntegration: Ready baml: bamlDeployment: Ready bamlService: Ready ...
- Under
search forendpoints
, then check the endpoints. For example:endpoints: ... - name: BAW Login URL scope: External type: UI uri: '' ...
- You can also check the endpoints in the Details page.
- Check the status and endpoints from the command line.
- To get your deployment name, run the following
oc get ICP4ACluster -n <your_project>
- To get the deployment YAML and check the status and endpoints, run the following
oc get ICP4ACluster icp4adeploy -o yaml
- To get your deployment name, run the following
- You can see which images were recently pulled by running a command similar to the
following command, where