If you included Navigator in your container deployment, you must do some additional
configuration to ensure that the application works with your content services
About this task
After you deploy your Navigator container, use the Navigator administration console to update
settings for the container environment.
Update the security settings on the Content Platform Engine domain so that Navigator users can
access it:
Log in to the Administration Console for Content Platform Engine.
From the navigation pane, open the domain for editing.
Click the Security tab.
Click Add User/Group Permissions.
Add #ALL-AUTHENTICATED to the domain, with the following settings:
- Source: Direct
- Permission Type: Allow
- Permission Group: Custom, with View all
properties, Modify all properties, Read
permissions, and Modify permissions enabled.
- Apply to: This Object and Immediate Children
Add the Daeja® Viewer license files to the configuration
overrides directory for Navigator.
For example, icn-cfgstore-pv/configDropins/overrides.
Update the Daeja Viewer log file path, if
The default log file is
icn-logstore-pv/logs/daeja.log. Confirm that the
path is updated to reflect your container deployment location.
For example:
Update the Sync Services URL:
In the Navigator administration tool, click Sync Services.
Update the default value for the public service URL.
The URL must include the server IP address and port for the environment.
For example:
- (Optional) Improve security for session cookies by adding httpSession configuration to
your overrides directory.
Create an XML file (for example,
zHTTPsession.xml) with the following
Note: Some
Navigator features are affected by this setting:
- Applets
- The cookieHttpOnly=“true” setting can cause applets to fail. If you plan to use applets, remove
this entry from the XML file. Or you can use the HTML-based solution, such as the HTML step
- Additional Navigator features
- For information on what features are affected by this setting and possible mitigation, see the
following information in the IBM Documentation for Content Navigator.
- (Optional) If needed, change the Navigator mode.
Navigator has two modes:
- Platform mode ( mode 1) displays BA Studio applications.
- Platform and Content (mode 2) displays Navigator features as well as BA
Studio applications.
To change the setting, in the Navigator admin desktop, go to
tab, and
use the radio options to update the Platform Mode setting.