Selecting Business Automation Workflow or an external ECM system to manage folders
About this task
In the Process editor under the Folder tab, you specify whether Business Automation Workflow or an external ECM system handles your ECM folders and documents in the Folder Management section. In addition, if you select Business Automation Workflow, you can control the actions of your users, such as whether they can only view folders and documents or create folders and documents.
You do not require any permission to create a folder that uses the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation selection. For the Enterprise Content Management system selection, your selection is from the ECM systems listed in the Process App Settings page. Therefore, you must set up access to an external ECM system first before you can add a folder to it.
Though the user interface in the Folder Management section contains hover help for many of the fields, use this information to understand the complete view of the set of interacting fields. Links to key concepts such as local documents, references to external documents and folders, and the effect of linked processes are also important when you make your folder management decisions.