Comparison between two storage providers

Compare features of Amazon Web Services (AWS) with OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF).
Table 1. Comparison of characteristics between AWS Elastic Block Store (EBS) and Elastic File System (EFS) and ODF
Characteristic AWS EBS + EFS OpenShift Data Foundation (ODF)
Block storage data replication EBS replicated within a single Availability Zone (AZ)

Replicated across AZs

(More flexible failover scenarios)

File storage data replication EFS replicated across AZs Replicated across AZs
Network costs for replication Included in storage price Additional charge for cross-AZ data transfer within AWS
Operational management Managed by AWS Managed by the user
Resource requirements Included by AWS Additional CPUs / nodes required in cluster
Deployment locations AWS only

Portable anywhere on AWS, on-premises, Azure

Virtual or bare metal servers

(Consistent storage option regardless of environment)

Number of volumes per worker ~28, depending upon EC2 instance type Hundreds
Disk performance Specific to each volume Managed across the set of volumes
File storage characteristics EFS has constraints with certain types of workload Good for most workloads, including workloads with stronger storage requirements
Volume mount time 30 seconds to 2 minutes Less than 30 seconds