Updating the Case event emitter configuration

When the CaseEventEmitter.war file needs to be updated or upgraded, either because you change configuration parameter values or a new product version is available, you must repackage it with the JSON configuration file.

Before you begin

  1. Read Prerequisites to Case event emitter installation.
  2. Back up your current CaseEventEmitter.war file and any CaseEventEmitter.json file that defines the configuration you used so far.


  1. Identify the new CaseEventEmitter-new_version.war file.
  2. Copy the existing CaseEventEmitter.json configuration file to a new directory.
  3. Unpack the new WAR file, copy the existing CaseEventEmitter.json file to the WEB-INF/classes directory, and repackage the WAR file as explained in Preparing the Case event emitter application for deployment.
  4. Deploy the new emitter application as explained in Deploying the Case event emitter application.