Configuring event output to Kafka
You can configure various output options for Apache Kafka to store the events that are sent by the Case event emitter.
About this task
The Case emitter emits events in JSON format.
If you do not specify the acks Kafka producer property, its default value is all instead of 1 as mentioned in the Kafka documentation.
For more information:
- About the configuration file
- See Structure of the Case event emitter JSON file
- About the Kafka configuration
- See Producer configs.
Running Kafka in Cloud Pak foundational services
Code sample
"default" : {
"enable" : true,
"bootstrap.servers" : "details of the Cloud Pak foundational services Kafka bootstrap server:port",
"sasl.mechanism": "SCRAM-SHA-512",
"topic" : "icp4ba-bai-ingress",
"security.protocol" : "SASL_SSL",
"ssl.truststore.location" : "<path to the truststore file>",
"ssl.truststore.password" : "<password used while creating that truststore file>",
"ssl.keystore.location" : "<path to the keystore file>",
"ssl.keystore.password" : "<password used to create the keystore file>",
"ssl.protocol" : "TLSv1.2",
"ssl.enabled.protocols" : "TLSv1.2",
"sasl.jaas.config" : " required username=\"<kafka username>\" password=\"<kafka password>\";"