Moving from on-premises Case Manager to Cloud Pak for Business Automation

You can move an on-premises IBM® Case Manager environment to IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation and still keep the databases and LDAP of your on-premises environment.

About this task

The Case Manager system is composed of the IBM FileNet Content Platform Engine, IBM Content Navigator, and Case Manager. To move Case Manager from on-prem to cloud, you must also move the FileNet Content Platform Engine and IBM Content Navigator to Cloud Pak for Business Automation.

When you move to Cloud Pak for Business Automation, the case development environment is migrated to the Business Automation Workflow Authoring environment and the case production environment is moved to the Business Automation Workflow Runtime environment.

Before you move to any Cloud Pak for Business Automation capability, it is important to understand what you need, what options you have, and your license entitlements. Complete the following steps in the specified sequence.

Sequence of steps to move from on-premises Case Manager to Cloud Pak for Business Automation: 1) Assess your readiness, 2) Prepare, 3) Generate the CR, 4) Deploy the CR, 5) Perform post-migration steps, 6) (optional) Complete post-migration steps
Tip: Hover over the step name in the list for more details.

1. Assessing your readiness

At the start of your transformation journey, assess your current readiness to adopt Cloud Pak for Business Automation.

About this task

Before you move IBM Case Manager to Business Automation Workflow in Cloud Pak for Business Automation, be aware of the prerequisites.

  • For Case Manager production or development environments:
    • It is recommended that you install Case Manager 5.3.3 interim fix *10* or later. For more information about creating a development or production deployment, see Configuring IBM Case Manager.
    • When you configure the Case Manager profile, select the development environment or production environment and deploy Case Manager with the default configuration tasks.
    • The Content Platform Engine and IBM Content Navigator versions in the on-prem environment must be the same version or earlier than what is supported by Cloud Pak for Business Automation. If the versions of Content Platform Engine and IBM Content Navigator are later than the one supported by Cloud Pak for Business Automation, database conflicts might occur.
  • For databases and object stores:
    • The database that has the global configuration (GCD) database, IBM Content Navigator, design object store (DOS), and target object store (TOS) is the same database that is used after the migration. Ensure that the database is available after the migration. If you use file storage object stores, take a backup.
    • The same LDAP is used in the on-prem and container environments.
    • The DOCS (Documents Object Store) and AEOS (Application Engine object store) must be created in the on-prem environment before the migration.
When you migrate the Case Manager production or development environment to Business Automation Workflow in Cloud Pak for Business Automation, you might find the following limitations and restrictions:
  • Solutions that use forms do not work as expected in container environments because forms are not supported.
  • Migrated object stores from the on-prem environment are not used after migration. The IBM Content Navigator URL of the on-prem environment no longer works.
  • The traditional Content Platform Engine cannot be used along with the container Content Platform Engine after migration.
To learn more about IBM FileNet, WebSphere® Application Server, migration, Content Platform Engine, Case Analyzer, plug-ins, and other support considerations, see Frequently asked questions on upgrading IBM Case Manager to IBM Business Automation Workflow.

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2. Preparing to move

After you assess your readiness, prepare for the move from IBM Case Manager to Cloud Pak for Business Automation. Make sure that the required databases are online.

Before you begin

The databases of Content Platform Engine and IBM Content Navigator are used after the move, so make sure that the databases are online. The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server that is used in the on-prem environment is also used after the move, so make sure that the LDAP server is running. When you are ready to start the move, stop the Content Platform Engine, IBM Content Navigator, and Case Manager applications that are hosted on WebSphere Application Server or Oracle WebLogic Server.

About this task

This document describes the Content Platform Engine and IBM Content Navigator actions required for moving Case Manager. If you require any other capabilities of FileNet Content Manager, see Moving from on-premises FileNet Content Manager to Cloud Pak for Business Automation.

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2a. Preparing the case solutions

Export the case solutions and prepare them for moving from IBM Case Manager to Cloud Pak for Business Automation.

About this task

Use the migration planning sheet to gather the on-prem environment configuration data that is required for migration. After you generate the custom resource, check that all the values listed in the migration planning sheet are entered. See Migration planning sheet.

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To prepare your case solutions:

  1. On the Content Platform Engine server, create and initialiize the required object stores, with the default add-ons. One object store is used for Documents (DOCS) and the other for Application Engine. If data persistence is configured in Cloud Pak for Business Automation, create Application Engine object store (AEOS). It must exist before you migrate because you cannot add new object stores until the whole migration process is complete.
  2. Export all the on-prem solutions of the development and production environments.
  3. Export the security manifest and audit manifest, if any.
  4. Take a backup of the custom widgets.
  5. Take a backup of the Content Platform Engine and IBM Content Navigator databases.

2b. Preparing the cluster

Use the migration planning sheet to gather information. Prepare the cluster for moving from IBM Case Manager to Cloud Pak for Business Automation.

About this task

Use the migration planning sheet to gather the on-prem environment configuration data that is required for migration. After you generate the custom resource, check that all the values listed in the migration planning sheet are correctly filled in. See Migration planning sheet.


  1. To prepare to install Cloud Pak for Business Automation, follow the instructions in Installing a CP4BA multi-pattern production deployment.
  2. Log in to the cluster with the cluster administrator that you used in Option 1: Preparing your cluster for an online deployment or a non-administrator user who has access to the project.
    oc login https://<cluster-ip>:<port> -u <cluster-admin> -p <password>
    • <cluster-ip> is the IP address of the cluster
    • <port> is the port number of the cluster
    • <password> is the password for your <cluster-admin> user
  3. View the list of projects in your cluster to see the target project before you run the deployment script:
    oc get projects
    Note: If you used the All Namespaces option to install the Cloud Pak operator, then you must have another project in addition to openshift-operators in the cluster before you create the deployment. Change the scope to the project that you created for your deployment.
    oc project <project_name>
    The specified project is used in all later operations that affect project-scoped content.
  4. Optional: If you need to, download the cert-kubernetes repository to an amd64/x86, a Linux on Z, or a Linux on Power based VM/machine. For more information about downloading cert-kubernetes, see Preparing a client to connect to the cluster.

3. Generating the CR

After you prepare the cluster, you can generate and run a custom resource (CR) file. The CR file acts as a template of what you will install, and can be customized according to the components that the operator supports for installation.


  1. In the cert-kubernetes/scripts folder, run the ./ script. Running the prerequisites script gives you the instructions to follow.
    Usage: -m [modetype]
      -h  Display help
      -m  The valid mode type: [property], [generate], or [validate]
          STEP1: Run the script in [property] mode to create the user property files (DB/LDAP property files) with default values (database name/user).
          STEP2: Modify the DB/LDAP/User property files with your values.
          STEP3: Run the script in [generate] mode to generate the DB SQL statement files and YAML template for the secrets, based on the values in the property files.    
          STEP4: Create the databases and secrets manually based on the modified DB SQL statement file and YAML templates for the secret.    
          STEP5: Run the script in [validate] mode to check that the databases and secrets are created before you deploy Business Automation Workflow.    
  2. Run the script in property mode to generate the properties files:
    ./ -m property
    This mode displays the different capabilities.
    Select the Cloud Pak for Business Automation capability to install:
    1) FileNet Content Manager
    2) Operational Decision Manager
    3) Automation Decision Services
    4) Business Automation Application
    5) Business Automation Workflow (Selected)
       (a) Workflow Authoring
       (b) Workflow Runtime (Selected)
    6) Automation Workstream Services
    7) IBM Automation Document Processing
       (a) Development Environment
       (b) Runtime Environment
    8) Workflow Process Service Authoring
    Info: Note that Business Automation Workflow Authoring (5a) cannot be installed together with Automation Workstream Services (6). However, Business Automation Workflow Runtime (5b) can be installed together with Automation Workstream Services (6).
    Info: Business Automation Navigator will be automatically installed in the environment as it is part of the Cloud Pak for Business Automation foundation platform. 
    Tips:  After you make your first selection you will be able to make additional selections since you can combine multiple selections.
    ATTENTION: IBM Automation Document Processing (7a/7b) does NOT support a cluster running a Linux on Z (s390x)/Power architecture.
    Tips: Press [ENTER] when you are done
    Enter a valid option [1 to 4, 5a, 5b, 6, 7a, 7b, 8]:
    • If you are moving from the Case Manager development environment, enter 5a to move to the Business Automation Workflow Authoring environment.
    • If you are moving from the Case Manager production environment, enter 5b to move to the Business Automation Workflow Runtime environment.
  3. If you want to use Business Automation Insights, choose the optional components.
    Pattern "(b) Workflow Runtime": Select optional components:
    1) Business Automation Insights
    2) Exposed Kafka Services
    3) Exposed Elasticsearch
    Tips: Press [ENTER] if you do not want any optional components or when you are finished selecting your optional components
    Enter a valid option [1 to 3 or ENTER]:
  4. Select the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) that you use in the on-prem environment.
  5. Enter the storage class name or names you want to use.
    For more information, see Storage considerations.
  6. Select the deployment profile: small, medium, or large.
    For more information, see System requirements.
  7. Select the database type.
    Note: PostgreSQL is not supported for moving Case Manager.
  8. Enter an alias name for the database server.
  9. Enter the name of an existing project (namespace) where you want to deploy Cloud Pak for Business Automation.
  10. Answer the question asking whether you want to restrict access to the Cloud Pak for Business Automation deployment.
  11. View your results.
    The database and LDAP property files for Cloud Pak for Business Automation are created, followed by the property file for each database name and user, followed by the Cloud Pak for Business Automation property files.
    In cert-kubernetes/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/propertyfile, the following files are created:
  12. To configure multiple target object stores (TOS), enter a value greater than 1 for the number of target object stores.
  13. Update the property files.
    1. Update the file with the values from the on-prem Case Manager server and the multiple target object store information from the on-prem environment
    2. Update the file with the usernames and passwords of the GCD database, DOCS database, DOS database, TOS database, IBM Content Navigator (ICN) database, IBM Business Automation Studio (BAS) database (for authoring) or Business Automation Workflow (BAW) database (for runtime).
    3. Update the file with the same database details as in the on-prem Case Manager.
    4. Update the file with the same LDAP details as in the on-prem Case Manager.
    5. Update the file with the license, admin user (as in the on-prem Case Manager), and keystore passwords.
  14. Run the ./ file in generate mode using the following command:
    ./ -m generate
    This command generates all the database SQL statements file required by the Cloud Pak for Business Automation deployment based on the property files.
  15. Run the scripts for the required databases only. (The FileNet and Navigator databases are already available.)
    • For authoring: Run the scripts under cert-kubernetes/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/dbscript/bas
    • For runtime: Run the scripts under cert-kubernetes/scripts/cp4ba-prerequisites/dbscript/baw
  16. Apply the secrets by running the file in the ./cp4ba-prerequisites folder.
    The required secrets for LDAP, FileNet, Navigator, and Workflow are created.
  17. To validate the configuration before you deploy, run the following command:
    ./ -m  validate
    This command checks that everything has been created: Slow/Medium/Fast/Block storage classes, required Kubernetes secrets, LDAP connection, and database connections for all required databases.
  18. Generate the CR. From the /scripts folder, run the ./ command.
    Answer the on-screen prompts and check the input as you go.
    The CR file cert-kubernetes-master/scripts/generated-cr/ibm_cp4a_cr_final.yaml is generated.

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4. Deploying the CR

After you successfully generate the custom resource (CR) file, you can deploy Cloud Pak for Business Automation. The CR acts as a template of what you will install.


  1. Validate your CR file before you apply it or save it in the YAML view. It is likely that you edited the file multiple times, and possibly introduced errors or missed values during your customizations. For more information, see Validating the YAML in your custom resource file.
  2. Apply the upgraded CR to the operator. For more information, see Applying the updated custom resource.

What to do next

Verify your installation and migration. Instead of manually checking all the URLs and certificates that are created by your deployment, you can run a script to validate these objects automatically in a few minutes. For more information, see Validating your production deployment.

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5. Performing required post-migration steps

You must perform post-migration steps if you work with file storage target object stores.


If you use file storage target object stores:

  1. Log in to ACCE.
  2. For each file storage target object store, update the path in the TOSStorage, Properties tab of the file storage device to point to the location in the Content Platform Engine physical volume.
    The file storage backup is now copied to the Content Platform Engine physical volume.

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6. Optional: Completing post-migration tasks

After migration, you can update the Daeja Viewer log file path, work with custom plug-ins and extensions, enable case analyzer and case history, configure the case event emitter, and index case instances.


  1. If you use Daeja Viewer, update the log file path and cache directory to the Cloud Pak for Business Automation container path.
    The default log file in the on-premises system before upgrade is install_dir/ibm/viewerconfig/logs/daeja.log, where install_dir is the directory where Navigator is installed. Update the path to reflect your container deployment location, for example, /opt/ibm/viewerconfig/logs/daeja.log.
  2. If you have custom plug-ins and custom extensions in the production environment, you must copy the plug-ins to /<icn pv directory>/<icn-pluginstore>. Add lines similar to the following example lines in the CR file under case configuration and deploy the CR file:
    custom_package_names: "" 
    custom_extension_names: ""
    For more details about custom packages and custom extensions, see Configuring custom case widgets for a container environment.
  3. Enable the case analyzer and case history stores in the Administrative Console for Content Platform Engine (ACCE).
    1. In the ACCE, go to FileNet P8 domain > Workflow Subsystem.
    2. Select Case History enabled and Case Analyzer enabled.
    3. Restart the Content Platform Engine pod to reflect the changes.
  4. Configure the case event emitter. For the case event emitter configuration parameters, see IBM Business Automation Workflow Runtime and Workstream Services parameters.
  5. Index case instances. The case management tools provide support for indexing case instances in the Elasticsearch index. Full re-indexing and live index updates are supported. For more information, see Indexing case instances.
    Note: The FileNet® P8 Process Engine REST APIs that are packaged with Business Automation Workflow Case Manager application are not available in Cloud Pak for Business Automation.

What to do next

To start working with cases, see Case management.