Configuring IBM Content Navigator for connecting to Content Collector for SAP Applications

Configure your Content Collector for SAP Applications deployment using IBM Content Navigator and connect to SAP.


  1. Login to the admin desktop of the navigator deployment using its route.
    For example, <navigator-route>/navigator/?desktop=admin.
  2. Load the Content Collector for SAP Applications plug-in:
    1. In the navigation pane on the left, click Plug-ins.
    2. On the Plug-ins page, ensure that the IBM Content Collector for SAP Applications Plug-In plug-in is configured and enabled.

      If it is not, click New Plug-in and specify the fully qualified path to the /opt/ibm/intPlugins/iccsap/iccsapPlugin.jar file in the JAR file path field.

  3. Click Load, and let the plug-in load.
  4. Click Save and Close.
  5. Create the desktops that you need for Content Collector for SAP Applications:
    1. In the navigation pane on the left, click Desktops.
    2. On the Desktops page, click New Desktop.
    3. In the General pane, specify a name and an ID for the new desktop and select the repository that you want to use with Content Collector for SAP. In addition, limit the access to those users or user groups that are to work with the desktop.
    4. In the Layout pane, under Displayed features, select the Content Collector for SAP features that the desktop is to contain.
    5. Click Save and Close.