Preparing to install Operational Decision Manager

Before you install Operational Decision Manager, check your environment to make sure that you have everything that you need. As a minimum, you must make a note of the custom resource parameter values that are needed for a data source and an LDAP configuration.

About this task

The following diagram highlights the options that you have when you select to install the decisions pattern. You must select one or more components, and you must then make sure that you prepare everything that is needed by these components before you apply your custom resource.

ODM pattern visual
Tip: Decision Center is typically required for development and testing environments. Decision Server Runtime is typically required for testing and production environments and for using Business Automation Insights.

Choose at least Decision Center or Decision Server Runtime to have a minimum environment configuration.

You must configure a database for Operational Decision Manager to persist data. The database schema is then created automatically in the configured database.

A Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server and Operational Decision Manager customization can also be prepared.


  1. Prepare the databases by running a script or without running the script.
  2. Optional: Configure the user access.

    Operational Decision Manager implements Identity and Access Management (IAM) for single sign-on (SSO), and the ODM services are accessible through the Cloud Platform proxy (Zen). By default, ODM sets predefined user access permissions but you can change them.

    For more information, see Managing user permissions.

  3. Optional: If you want to customize the deployment further, use the customizing steps to complete your preparation.
  4. Optional: If you want to create your own decision services from scratch, install Rule Designer from the Eclipse Marketplace.

What to do next

Operational Decision Manager can include extra components. If you want to install these components in your deployment, then you must also follow the instructions to prepare them.

Jump to the capability in the table of contents or from the parent topic.

After you complete all of the preparation steps for all of the capabilities that you want to install, go ahead and create a production deployment. For more information, see Creating a production deployment.