Common tools
The Cloud Pak for Business Automation common tools include the IBM Business Automation Navigator and IBM Business Automation Studio capabilities.
- IBM Business Automation Navigator
IBM Business Automation Navigator is a browser-based interface where you can work with the business applications you need to complete your tasks. Depending on the configuration of your IBM Business Automation Navigator home page, you can access business applications, dashboards, content features, custom plug-ins, and third party applications.
An administrator sets up your Navigator desktop with the applications that you need to complete your work. Although the administrator uses Navigator to create it, note that your desktop might have a different name that reflects the work you do with it.
You access Navigator by clicking a URL for a desktop. Ask your administrator for the login link to your Navigator desktop, or if you don't see an application that you need.
Depending on how your desktop is configured, you can use applications for...
- IBM Business Automation Studio
IBM Business Automation Studio is a one-stop shop environment for the IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation where you automate and digitally transform your business.
Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?
- You are part of a development team tasked with building business solutions that require different services, and you are obliged to work in different tooling environments. Each environment has its own idiosyncrasies, including its own lifecycle and governance, and it’s up to your team to hand code the interaction between those services.
- You are an IT administrator and your team is behind delivering on business requirements to automate more.
- You are a line-of-business owner or subject-matter expert who wants a more direct role in digitizing your business.
To address these challenges, IBM Cloud Pak™ for Business Automation offers Business Automation Studio to help IT and business teams accelerate digital transformation. Business Automation Studio integrates Cloud Pak for Business Automation under a single authoring build environment for developing and integrating business services and business applications. The low-code tools enable developers to deliver more and enables business owners and subject-matter experts to directly contribute to digitizing solutions.
Business Automation Studio delivers on the following key principals and supporting capabilities:
- Give business owners and subject matter experts a direct role in digitizing their business
- A unified landing page for all platform designers
- Low-code and enterprise designers
- Common consistency between designers
- Easy navigation between designers
- The ability to author user interfaces and automations
- Ensure lifecycle and governance consistency so authors can create and manage their projects
- Common authorization and project collaboration
- Project branching and versions
- Common decision-making and oversight process
- Promote and discover reusable assets
- Use templates to accelerate building your projects and toolkits to promote reuse
- Apply configurators that discover deployed services
- Publish automations, making them discoverable and callable in a consistent way across Business Automation Studio
Business Automation Studio is the entry point to the following designers:
- The Application Designer is the low-code application builder where you build, modify, and refine business automation-based applications, through iterative development and playback, focusing on page creation with easy-to-use methods for populating the page with UI views and configuration. For more information, see Business applications.
- The Decision Designer provides decision modeling capabilities that help you capture and automate repeatable decisions. For more information, see Automation Decision Services.
- The Document Processing Designer helps you accelerate extraction and classification of data in your documents – no matter what you’re using today. For more information, see Document processing.
- The Workflow Designer helps you create workflow automations. Alternatively, you can import your workflows (process and case definitions) from Workflow Center (Process Designer or Case Builder) and modify them in Workflow Designer. For more information, see Workflow.