Business insights
IBM Business Automation Insights processes event data so that you can derive insights into the performance of your business. You can use this data to drive automations and visualize the state of the indicators that matter most to you in near real-time.
Business users can capture data from any application and monitor activity through Business Performance Center dashboards. Administrators can deploy IBM Business Automation Insights on Red Hat® OpenShift® and tune configuration.
Based on state-of-the-art open source technologies, IBM Business Automation Insights allows you to capture events that are generated by your operational systems, aggregate these events into business-relevant KPIs, and present them in meaningful dashboards for lines of business to have a near real-time view on their business operations.
Business Automation Insights lets you take advantage of the valuable data that is generated by those operational systems to apply analytics, add intelligence to the platform and provide guidance to knowledge workers and business owners.
Keypoints for business users
Use Business Performance Center to visualize your data and monitor business performance so that you can uncover insights and make data-driven decisions.
For more information, see Visualizing data.
Keypoints for administrators
The keypoints for administrators are as follows:
- Deployment
Typically, you deploy Business Automation Insights onto a Red Hat OpenShift platform. See Preparing installation, Configuring Business Automation Insights, and architecture and design. You can customize your deployment as necessary.
- Event emission and security
You can configure and secure event emission through a Processing Application. See Events from custom sources and the appropriate pages in Business Automation Insights specifics on Red Hat OpenShift.
- Troubleshooting
If you do not get the expected results, see Troubleshooting.
Dashboard templates
For a set of dashboard templates available in Business Automation Insights to help you create your own variants of an existing dashboard without having to start from scratch, see Available built-in dashboard templates.
For material to handle custom events, see the GitHub page.