Preparing to install Business Automation Workflow Runtime and Workstream Services

Before you install IBM Business Automation Workflow Runtime and Workstream Services, you must prepare your environment, which includes setting up databases and storage and creating secrets.

About this task

These instructions cover two different capabilities: Workflow (Runtime) and Workstream Services.

You can choose to install one of the following types:
  • Business Automation Workflow and Workstream Services
  • Business Automation Workflow
  • Workstream Services
If you install only one type, you can add the other type by updating the custom resource file later.
Restriction: You must specify the Workstream Services capability in only one Business Automation Workflow server instance in a custom resource. The Workstream Services capability does not support federating multiple Workstream server instances.

The following diagram shows the components that you can select for Business Automation Workflow Runtime from the workflow pattern. You must make sure that you prepare everything that is needed by these components before you apply your custom resource.

Business Automation Workflow visual

For information about the parameters that you provide for the configuration, see IBM Business Automation Workflow Runtime and Workstream Services parameters.

To enable IBM Business Automation Application data persistence, see Configuring Application Engine.

What to do next

The next task to complete depends on the capabilities that you selected for your deployment. You must prepare all of these capabilities and any dependencies. Jump to the capability in the table of contents or from the parent topic.

After you complete all of the preparation steps for all of the capabilities that you want to install, go ahead and create a production deployment. For more information, see Creating a production deployment.