Optional: Configuring IBM Business Automation Navigator for session persistence

WebSphere® Liberty provides session persistence to databases. If you want to maintain session data across a server restart or an unexpected server failure, configure Navigator to add the session persistence.

About this task

To configure session persistence for Navigator, you need to add the session persistence configuration xml file into the Navigator container configuration folder.


  1. Prepare a session database and datasource XML file for the Business Automation Navigator container. For more information, see Configuring Liberty session persistence to a database.
  2. Log in to your OCP environment and access your project.
    oc login <ocp-server-api-host-link> -u <ocp-username> -p <ocp-password>
    oc project <target_project_name>
    pods=$(oc get pod --no-headers | grep navigator | awk '{print $1}') pod=($pods)
  3. Copy the xml file to the Business Automation Navigator shared configuration folder.
    oc cp <sesion_configure_xml_file> $pod:/opt/ibm/wlp/usr/servers/defaultServer/configDropins/overrides/
  4. Restart the Business Automation Navigator container.