Creating the databases without running the provided scripts

If you used the script to generate the database SQL statement files (scripts) and YAML template files for the database secrets, then you do not need to create these resources and apply them again.

About this task

Tip: When you use the script, you must review the requirements in the documented steps to create a database. Make sure that the databases that you create satisfy your intended workload.

For more information about running the script, see Recommended: Preparing databases and secrets for your chosen capabilities by running a script.

Business Automation Navigator requires a configuration database. If you are using Navigator with FileNet Content Manager, the databases or data sources must be separate.

The database details are captured in the custom resource file in the following parameters:
  dc_database_type: "<Required>"
  dc_common_icn_datasource_name: "ECMClientDS"
  database_servername: "<Required>"
  database_port: "<Required>"
  database_name: "<Required>"
  database_ssl_secret_name: "<Required>"
  dc_oracle_icn_jdbc_url: "<Required>"

    icn_jndids_name: ECMClientDS
    icn_schema: ICNDB
    icn_table_space: ICNDB
If you are configuring a Db2 HADR database for your IBM Business Automation Navigator, use the dc_icn_datasource section of the custom YAML to provide values. Example settings are:
  dc_database_type: "db2HADR"
  dc_hadr_validation_timeout: 15
  dc_hadr_standby_servername: ""
  dc_hadr_standby_port: "30352"
  dc_hadr_retry_interval_for_client_reroute: 15
  dc_hadr_max_retries_for_client_reroute: 3

For more information about the settings, see Datasource parameters.

When the Navigator deployment first starts, Navigator checks whether the configuration database schema and tables are present. If not, Navigator runs the necessary SQL commands to create them.


  1. If you haven't already done so, install a database server.
    Use your vendor documentation to accomplish the server installation.

    You can find more database planning and installation information in the FileNet Content Manager documentation:

  2. Prepare the IBM Business Automation Navigator database:
    For details about configuring a Db2 database for your IBM Business Automation Navigator deployment, see Creating a Db2® database for IBM Content Navigator.
    Note: Create the database by running an SQL script by using the provided example commands, but do not run other scripts for creating the tables and indexes.
    Db2 HADR
    For details about configuring a Db2 HADR database for your IBM Business Automation Navigator deployment, see Creating an IBM Db2 pureScale or HADR database for IBM Content Navigator.
    Note: Create the database by running an SQL script by using the provided example commands, but do not run other scripts for creating the tables and indexes.
    For details about configuring an Oracle database for your IBM Business Automation Navigator deployment, see Creating an Oracle database for IBM Content Navigator.
    Note: Create a database by running an SQL script by using the provided example commands, but do not run other scripts for creating the tables and indexes.
    Microsoft SQL Server
    You create both a database and a schema for the container deployment, for example:
    create database <dbName>
    ** connect to database ** 
    create schema <schemaName>

    For details about configuring a Microsoft SQL Server database for your IBM Content Navigator deployment, see Setting up a Microsoft SQL Server database.

    Note: Create a database by running an SQL script by using the provided example commands, but do not run other scripts for creating the tables and indexes.
    Set up your PostgreSQL database and record the database settings. For more information about PostgreSQL, see Preparing PostgreSQL server.
  3. Create a table space in your database.
    The FileNet Content Manager documentation provides some information on creating table spaces, on Db2, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server. Note that for Navigator, the sizing requirements are less than other uses, such as object stores. When you create the table space for Navigator, use "REGULAR" as the type or size.
  4. Create a database user.
    You can choose to use your dbadmin user, or create another database user for your Navigator database.

    For details about the kind of privileges this user needs, see Creating database accounts.

    This user that you create is included in the Business Automation Navigator secret as the navigatorDBUsername.

  5. Optionally create a schema.
    The operator can detect whether a schema exists in the database and creates one if a schema does not exist. If you want to select a schema name in advance, specify the name of your schema in the custom resource file in the icn_production_setting.icn_schema parameter. If you plan to use Task Manager, the schema name must be ICNDB.
    If you don't specify a value for the icn_production_setting.icn_schema parameter, the operator creates the following schema name:
    • Oracle database: The schema is named the same as the navigatorDBUsername from the Business Automation Navigator secret.
    • All other databases: The schema keeps the default name, ICNDB.