HTTP header fields and generic URI parameters

The URIs for the BPD REST resources support certain HTTP header fields and generic URI parameters.
The following HTTP header fields are supported by all the REST resources.
Table 1. Supported HTTP header fields
Field name Description
Accept Used in the request message to specify the media types that are acceptable in the response message. If the server is unable to respond with the requested content-type, the 406 Not Acceptable HTTP status code is returned.

If your request is for a BPD-related resource, you can use the equivalent URI parameter instead of the HTTP header field.

Accept-Encoding Used in the request message to restrict the content encodings that are acceptable in the response message. If a value is not specified, the encoding of the response message is set to identity (no encoding) by default.

If the server is unable to respond with any of the listed content encodings, the 406 Not Acceptable HTTP status code is returned.

If your request is for a BPD-related resource, you can use the equivalent URI parameter instead of the HTTP header field.

Accept-Language Used in the request message to send the list of languages that are acceptable for the response message. For example, "Accept-Language: da, en-gb", means that the preferred language is Danish but British English is also accepted.

If your request is for a BPD-related resource, you can use the equivalent URI parameter instead of the HTTP header field.

Content-Encoding Describes the content encoding that is used in the entity body. If an unsupported content encoding is specified, the 415 Unsupported Media Type HTTP status code is returned.
Content-Language Identifies the language of the response message that is returned to the recipient.
Content-Type Indicates the media type of the entity body sent to the recipient.
Indicates the HTTP operation that is tunneled through the current request.

If your request is for a BPD-related resource, you can use the equivalent URI parameters instead of the HTTP header fields.

All REST resources support the federationMode parameter.
Table 2. URI parameter supported by federated domains
URI parameter Description
federationMode For the methods exposed by BPD-related resource, this URI parameter can be used to specify the format of the response data. By default, the response message has a root structure with a method "status" property and a "data" property with method-specific response data. If "federationMode=true" is specified then the wrapper structure is suppressed and only the method-specific response data is returned.

For the methods exposed by BPEL-related resources and federated resources, "federationMode=true" is the only supported value. If "federationMode=false" is specified, a 400 Bad Request HTTP Status Code is returned.

If the REST resource is a BPD-related resource, you can use the following URI parameters instead of the HTTP header fields. If both an HTTP header field and an equivalent URI parameter are available, then the value of the URI parameter takes precedence over the value of the HTTP header.
Table 3. URI parameters supported by BPD-related resources
URI parameter Description
accept Used in the request message to specify the media types that are acceptable in the response message. This parameter is equivalent to the Accept HTTP field.
accept-encoding Used in the request message to restrict the content encodings that are acceptable in the response message. This parameter is equivalent to the Accept-Encoding HTTP field.
accept-language Used in the request message to send the list of languages that are acceptable for the response message. This parameter is equivalent to the Accept-Language HTTP field.
callback The name of the JavaScript callback function that is used in JSONP responses.
parts Used in the request message to specify a list of one or more parts to be returned in the response message. Use a vertical line (|) to separate the items in the list. You can also specify all or none as the value of the parts parameter; all is the default. For example:
Indicates the HTTP operation that is tunneled through the current request. These parameters are equivalent to the X-Method-Override and X-HTTP-Method-Override HTTP fields.