Line chart SDS
Generates a line chart for a data set, with the option to add drill-down trees for additional data sets. You can populate the data set either statically or by using a service.
Smooth line: | When set to true, chart will smooth out the curve connecting the data points | Boolean |
Background color style: | Background color {Transparent | Primary | Info | Success | Warning | Danger} |
ChartBackgroundColorStyle |
Data series color style: | The dataseries color style. {Primary | Info | Success | Warning | Danger | Light} |
ChartSDSColorStyle |
Data series custom color style: | The dataseries custom color style. | NameValuePair |
Show value labels: | Setting to true will display data point values above each point | Boolean |
Show breadcrumbs: | When enabled, the title shows the current position of the drill-down tree (depending on menu selection). | Boolean |
Point size: | Size of the dot marking the value - 2.5 is the default | Decimal |
XY axis color style: | XY axis color style {None | Light - Labels Only | Dark - Labels Only | Light | Dark} |
ChartXYAxisStyle |
Gridlines style: | The style used for horizontal gird lines. {None | Light | Dark} |
ChartGridLinesStyle |
X label rotation: | X axis label rotation (in degrees) | Decimal |
X axis height: | X axis height (as integer) | Integer |
Border radius: | Radius | String |
Padding: | Padding for right, top, left, bottom (in px) | String |
Height: | Height of the chart | Integer |
Chart data mode: | The method to populate chart data, from a service or from the config option. To populate drill down trees, you must use a service. {From Service | From Config Option} |
ChartDataMode |
Data service: | Data service that populate the DataSeries. |
Data series: | Single data series to populate chart | DataSeries |
Enable menu: | Visibility of the menu. Necessary if you are using a drill-down tree, or if you have added menus. | Boolean |
Number of Y axis ticks: | The value that you specify is not interpreted as an exact number but is adjusted to the best suitable tick count to provide optimal display. | Integer |
Y axis tick precision: | The number of decimal places displayed for Y axis value labels. The default is 0. | Integer |
Min Y axis value: | Minimum Y axis value | Decimal |
Max Y axis value: | Max value along the Y axis | Decimal |
Use X axis culling: | X axis culling | Boolean |
Number of X axis ticks: | The value that you specify is not interpreted as an exact number but is adjusted to the best suitable tick count to provide optimal display. | Integer |
Show tooltip: | When enabled, hovering over data points displays a tooltip containing the point's label and value. | Boolean |
Events | ||||||||||
On Load: |
| |||||||||
On Refreshed: |
| |||||||||
On Click: |
| |||||||||
On Menu Action: |
addClass(name, [replaced])
Add/replace CSS class(es) for this control
Name | Type | Default | Description |
name | {string} | CSS class name(s) to add to the control. Separate class names by a space if more than one class. | |
replaced | {string} | CSS class name(s) to be replaced by the first argument. Separate class names by a space if more than one class. |
Button.addClass("green"); |
addHorizontalLine(value, label)
Adds a horizontal line to the chart. Note: this function is not applicable to Donut and Pie Charts.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
value | {integer} | the position of the y-value that you want to add the dashed horizontal line | |
label | {string} | the label of the line |
addStaticMenuAction(action, menuItemLabel, [icon], [badgeText], [onClickFunction])
Adds an action to the chart's popup menu and optionally attaches logic to it
Name | Type | Default | Description |
action | {String} | An identifier for this action | |
menuItemLabel | {String} | The label of the menu item | |
icon | {String} | (Font Awesome) icon name for the menu item. See {@link Font Awesome} for a comprehensive list of icons. Refer to the knowledge center for the latest Font Awesome version. | |
badgeText | {String} | text/value to show in a badge next to the menu item | |
onClickFunction | {function} | a callback function to be invoked when the menu item is clicked. If omitted, the "on menu action" event will be called when the item is clicked |
addTempMenuAction(action, menuItemLabel, [icon], [badgeText], [onClickFunction])
Adds an action to the chart's popup menu and optionally attaches logic to it. This method should ONLY be called from the On Click event of the chart - otherwise it will not be displayed in the menu
Name | Type | Default | Description |
action | {String} | An identifier for this action | |
menuItemLabel | {String} | The label of the menu item | |
icon | {String} | (Font Awesome) icon name for the menu item. See {@link Font Awesome} for a comprehensive list of icons. Refer to the knowledge center for the latest Font Awesome version. | |
badgeText | {String} | text/value to show in a badge next to the menu item | |
onClickFunction | {function} | a callback function to be invoked when the menu item is clicked. If omitted, the "on menu action" event will be called when the item is clicked |
addVerticalLine(value, label)
Adds a vertical line to the chart. Note: this function is not applicable to Donut and Pie Charts.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
value | {integer} | the position of the x-value that you want to add the dashed vertical line | |
label | {string} | the label of the line |
Defocus the DataSeries in the chart
Name | Type | Default | Description |
seriesName | {(string|string[])} | the name(s) of the dataseries that you want to defocus. If no series is specified, all data in chart will be dimmed |
Goes one step up in the Drill Down Tree hierarchy
Focus the DataSeries in the chart
Name | Type | Default | Description |
seriesName | {(string|string[])} | the name(s) of the dataseries that you want to focus. If no series is specified, all data in chart will be highlighted |
Get the color style for the background. NOTE: This always returns the color as set, to avoid ambiguity always set the color using "T"|"P"|"I"|"S"|"W"|"G"
Get the current drilldown dimension (the current hierarchical level at the drill-down tree). Only functional if drill-down is enabled
Returns an object with a name/value pair that describes the current position of the drill-down tree; Only functional if drill-down is enabled.
me.getCurrentDimensionCriteria(); //returns --> Object {name: "Type", value: "CLOTHING"} |
Get the current data series being used to populate the chart
Returns color style currently set for data series
{object | array}
Returns color style currently set for data series
Get the stack/structure of the drill-down tree. Only functional if drill-down is enabled
Gets the input of the Data Series AJAX Service
Returns the last selected data point in the chart
Get descriptive string representing the type of control
groupSeries(whether, [seriesName])
Groups the DataSeries in the chart.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
whether | {boolean} | to group the series or not | |
seriesName | {string[]} | the name of the dataseries |
me.groupSeries(true, ["SeriesName 1", "SeriesName 2", "SeriesName 3"]); //SeriesName 1, SeriesName2, and SeriesName3 will stack together if it is a bar chart. |
Hide this view/control
Name | Type | Default | Description |
collapseFlag | {boolean} | Set to true to collapse the view (equivalent to a view setting of "NONE") |
MyView.hide(); |
Hides the DataSeries in the chart
Name | Type | Default | Description |
seriesName | {(string|string[])} | the name(s) of the dataseries that you want to show. If no names are specified, all series in chart will be hidden |
Indicates bound status of control.
Checks if the view is enabled or not
var enabled = MyView.isEnabled(); |
Checks if control label is visible
var labelVisible = MyView.isLabelVisible(); |
Checks whether or not view is visible
var visible = MyView.isVisible(); |
Propagates value change of control up through parent views
Name | Type | Default | Description |
event | {Event} | Value change event (usually an onchange event) |
MyView.propagateUp(event); |
Redraws the chart. This operation simply redraws the chart and does not refresh the current chart data. It is useful
to quickly redraw the chart when it is not displaying properly. It is quicker than doing a full refresh.
to quickly redraw the chart when it is not displaying properly. It is quicker than doing a full refresh.
Updates the chart by calling the AJAX service and using the Data Series data returned.
Removes horizontal line with specified label. If no label is specified, all horizontal lines will be removed. Note: this function is not applicable to Donut and Pie Charts.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
label | {string} | Label for the line that is to be removed |
Removes an action from the chart's popup menu
Name | Type | Default | Description |
actionId | {String} | Identifier for the action to be removed |
Removes vertical line with specified label. If no label is specified, all vertical lines will be removed. Note: this function is not applicable to Donut and Pie Charts.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
label | {string} | Label for the line that is to be removed |
Set the color style for the charted data series. NOTE: to avoid ambiguity always set the color using "D"|"P"|"I"|"S"|"W"|"G". Note that the Default option is available instead of Light for Pie, Donut, and Multi Purpose charts. All other charts have the Light option, instead of Default
Name | Type | Default | Description |
style | {string} | "DEFAULT"|"DEF"|"D"=Default | "PRIMARY"|"PRI"|"P"=Primary | "LIGHT"|" L"=Light |INFO"|INF"|"I"=Info | "SUCCESS"|"S"=Success | "WARNING"|"WARN"|"W"=Warning | "DANGER"|ERROR|ERR"|"E"|"G"=Danger |
Set color for the charted data series.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
style | {object | array} | Specify a name value pair object for single data series and an array of name value pair for multi data series. The name property should specify the series-name or category name in the case of pie and donut charts. The value should specify the color by name, HEX code or RGB code. |
setEnabled(enabled, required)
Enable/disable this view/control
Name | Type | Default | Description |
enabled | {boolean} | Enabled/read-only flag (true to enable view, false to disable/make read-only) | |
required | {boolean} | Enable/disable required field flag for control |
MyView.setEnabled(false); //Make MyView read-only |
Show/hide the label of this view/control
Name | Type | Default | Description |
visible | {boolean} | Label visibility flag (true to show view label, false to hide) |
MyView.setLabelVisible(false); |
Sets the input to the Data Series AJAX Service
Name | Type | Default | Description |
queryData | {*} | Updated query data |
setViewData(data, createPseudoBinding)
Set/update bound data associated this view/control. Only works for views/controls with bound data.
Note: Should only be used with simple type bindings, or complex type bindings with simple type properties.
Should not be used with bindings that have properties that are lists or compext types. For complex types, set bindings using
Note: Should only be used with simple type bindings, or complex type bindings with simple type properties.
Should not be used with bindings that have properties that are lists or compext types. For complex types, set bindings using
pattern detailed in the Knowlege Center section Binding Data and Configuration OptionsName | Type | Default | Description |
data | {Object} | Value of bound data. The type of this parameter must match the type of the bound data. | |
createPseudoBinding | {boolean} | If set to true, creates a pseudo binding if there is no current binding. |
MyView.setViewData("TEST"); //Updates bound data to the string 'TEST' |
setVisible(visible, collapse)
Show/hide this view/control
Name | Type | Default | Description |
visible | {boolean} | Visibility flag (true to show view, false to hide) | |
collapse | {boolean} | Set to true to collapse the control space when visible is set to false . |
MyView.setVisible(false, false); //Equivalent to MyView.hide() |
MyView.setVisible(false, true); // Sets visibility to "None" |
Show this view/control
Example; |
Shows the DataSeries in the chart
Name | Type | Default | Description |
seriesName | {(string|string[])} | the name(s) of the dataseries that you want to show. If no names are specified, all series in chart will be shown |
transform(chartType, seriesName)
Transforms the chart taking in a new chart type with the specified series name.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
chartType | {string} | the chart type in {bar, line, area, spline, area-spline, step, area-step, pie, donut} | |
seriesName | {string[]} | the name of the series that you want to transform the chart with |
me.transform("bar", ["SeriesName 1", "SeriesName 2"]); |
Broadcasts the expression trigger for the specified view
Name | Type | Default | Description |
phase | {int} | bpmext.ui.PHASE_NORMAL | The phase we are currently in |
MyView.triggerFormulaUpdates(); |