Exit Safeguard (deprecated)
The Exit Safeguard view is used as a confirmation message that is activated when the user closes a browser window or tab. This view can be used to prompt the user that they are about the close a window or tab. Note: To combat unwanted pop-ups, some browsers may not display prompts created in beforeunload event handlers unless the page has been interacted with; this is currently true for FireFox. If a user never interacts with a page, the browser does not display the confirmation message.

Challenge on exit by default: When true a challenge is presented to the user if they attempt to close the browser window Boolean
Exit challenge message: Additional message to display when challenging an exit. All browsers display a challenge, but some will not show this additional message. String

Inherited addClass(name, [replaced])
Add/replace CSS class(es) for this control
name{string}CSS class name(s) to add to the control. Separate class names by a space if more than one class.
replaced{string}CSS class name(s) to be replaced by the first argument. Separate class names by a space if more than one class.

getChallengeMessage() Returns: {string}
Gets the message that will be displayed when challenging an exit

getType() Returns: {string}
Get descriptive string representing the type of control/section

Inherited isBound() Returns: {boolean}
Indicates bound status of control.

Inherited isEnabled() Returns: {boolean}
Checks if the view is enabled or not
var enabled = MyView.isEnabled();

isExitChallenged() Returns: {boolean}
Return whether or not exit is challenged by default

Inherited propagateUpValueChange(event) Returns: {boolean}
Propagates value change of control up through parent views
event{Event}Value change event (usually an onchange event)

Sets the message that will be displayed when challenging an exit
msg{string}Message to be displayed

Set whether or not an exit is challenged by default
flag{boolean}Set to true to challenge exit by default

Inherited setViewData(data, createPseudoBinding)
Set/update bound data associated this view/control. Only works for views/controls with bound data.

Note: Should only be used with simple type bindings, or complex type bindings with simple type properties.
Should not be used with bindings that have properties that are lists or compext types. For complex types, set bindings using
the binding.set pattern detailed in the Knowlege Center section Binding Data and Configuration Options
data{Object}Value of bound data. The type of this parameter must match the type of the bound data.
createPseudoBinding{boolean}If set to true, creates a pseudo binding if there is no current binding.
MyView.setViewData("TEST"); //Updates bound data to the string 'TEST'

Inherited triggerFormulaUpdates([phase])
Broadcasts the expression trigger for the specified view
phase{int}bpmext.ui.PHASE_NORMALThe phase we are currently in