BPM File List
The BPM File List view displays (in tabular form) files/documents from the BPM content store, optionally filtered by properties, and optionally associated with a process instance. Events can be fired from user actions on the list, such as clicking on a file to view its content. Files can also be deleted from the list, if allowed through configuration.

Table style: The style of the table.
Color style: The color style for the table display.
Max thumbnail size: The maximum size (in bytes) to display a thumbnail. Integer
Width: The width in pixels (px), percent (%), or em units (em). For example: 500px, 20%, 40em. If "px", "%", or "em" is not appended to the numeric value, the value defaults to "px". String
Height: The height in pixels (px), percent (%), or em units (em). For example: 500px, 20%, 40em. If "px", "%", or "em" is not appended to the numeric value, the value defaults to "px". String
Columns: The columns to display in the list. FileListColumn[]

Show footer: Show the table footer. Boolean
Show table stats: Show table statistics. For example, "Showing 1 to 5 of 59 entries". Boolean
Show pager: Display the pager. Boolean
Initial page size: The initial maximum number of entries shown for each page. Integer

Content management
Allow updates: Allow updates to the files in the list. Boolean
Allow document deletions: Enables files to be deleted using this control. Boolean
Confirm on deletion: Show a confirmation dialog box before files are deleted. Boolean
Display version: Indicates whether versions are displayed for the files in the list. Boolean
Show all versions: Show all versions of each file in the list. Boolean
Max results: The maximum number of files to display. When set, the Max results value indicates the number of documents to be fetched at a time. When no value is set, by default, Max results fetches 10 documents at a time. When more documents than the configured Max results value are displayed, a Load More button appears, which you can click to fetch the next set of Max results documents. The Load More button is not shown when there are no more documents. Integer
Associated with process instance: Display only those files that are associated with the current process instance. Boolean
Match rule: Select whether articles should be displayed based on any, all, or none of the filter rules defined in the "Filter" section.
{None | All Properties | Any Property}
Filter: The properties in the "Filter" table that are used to filter files. These properties are only available if they were assigned when the files were uploaded. NameValuePair[]

On load:
Description: The logic that is called when the control is loaded. This event is only fired one time for each page load.
On file clicked:
Description: This event is fired when a clickable item is clicked in the list. Additional parameters: url, doc
Context Variables url {string} doc {object} Type Description
Properties id String The identifier of the document
fileName String The file name of the document
mimeType String The MIME type of the document
On document deleted:
Description: This event is fired after a file is deleted.
console.log("File Deleted") 
On refreshed:
Description: This event is fired when the file table has been built. Additional parameters: loadMore
console.log("List refreshed")
Context Variables loadMore {boolean}
On error:
Description: This event is fired when an error occurs during the execution of refresh or delete operations in the control. Additional parameters: message
alert("There has been an error with the refresh")
Context Variables message {string}
On update requested:
Description: The inline event logic that is called when the "Update" icon is clicked. Alternatively, the name of a function that is called when the event is fired. Additional parameters: doc
alert("Update document: "+doc.fileName)
Context Variables doc {Object} Type Description
Properties id String The identifier of the document
fileName String The file name of the document
versionLabel String The version number of the document
On version display requested:
Description: The inline event logic that is called when the "Display version" icon is clicked. Additional parameters: doc
alert("Update document: "+doc.fileName)
Context Variables doc {Object} Type Description
Properties id String The identifier of the document
fileName String The file name of the document

Inherited addClass(name, [replaced])
Add/replace CSS class(es) for this control
name{string}CSS class name(s) to add to the control. Separate class names by a space if more than one class.
replaced{string}CSS class name(s) to be replaced by the first argument. Separate class names by a space if more than one class.

Inherited getData() Returns: {Object}
Retrieve bound data associated this view/control. Only works for views/controls with bound data.
var dec1 = MyDecimal.getData();

getDocumentCount() Returns: {integer}
Returns the number of documents in the file list.

getLabel() Returns: {string}
Returns the view label.

getType() Returns: {string}
Returns the descriptive string that represents the control type.

Inherited hide(collapseFlag)
Hide this view/control
collapseFlag{boolean}Set to true to collapse the view (equivalent to a view setting of "NONE")

Inherited isBound() Returns: {boolean}
Indicates bound status of control.

Inherited isEnabled() Returns: {boolean}
Checks if the view is enabled or not
var enabled = MyView.isEnabled();

Inherited isLabelVisible() Returns: {boolean}
Checks if control label is visible
var labelVisible = MyView.isLabelVisible();

Inherited isValid() Returns: {boolean}
Returns the valid status as last set by the setValid() method.
var valid = MyView.isValid();

Inherited isVisible() Returns: {boolean}
Checks whether or not view is visible
var visible = MyView.isVisible();

Inherited propagateUpValueChange(event) Returns: {boolean}
Propagates value change of control up through parent views
event{Event}Value change event (usually an onchange event)

Inherited recalculate()
Only for formula-enabled views!
Explicitly triggers the re-evaluation of the formula
for this view (if a formula has been specified). If the view is not formula-enabled, recalculate() does nothing.
//If the formula for Text1 is: new Date().toString(), Text1 is updated to the current date/time

Refreshes the file list.
loadMore{boolean}Loads more records if any are available in the repository (when 'true').

Inherited setEnabled(enabled, required)
Enable/disable this view/control
enabled{boolean}Enabled/read-only flag (true to enable view, false to disable/make read-only)
required{boolean}Enable/disable required field flag for control
MyView.setEnabled(false); //Make MyView read-only

Sets the view label.
label{string}The view label to set.

Inherited setLabelVisible(visible)
Show/hide the label of this view/control
visible{boolean}Label visibility flag (true to show view label, false to hide)

Inherited setValid(valid, errorText)
Flag this view/control as valid or invalid
valid{boolean}Valid/invalid flag (true to set view valid, false to make it invalid - which typically shows the view with "invalid" styling and indicator)
errorText{string}Validation error text to show on the invalid-styled view
MyView.setValid(false, "Please fix your data entry"); //Make MyView invalid

Inherited setViewData(data, createPseudoBinding)
Set/update bound data associated this view/control. Only works for views/controls with bound data.

Note: Should only be used with simple type bindings, or complex type bindings with simple type properties.
Should not be used with bindings that have properties that are lists or compext types. For complex types, set bindings using
the binding.set pattern detailed in the Knowlege Center section Binding Data and Configuration Options
data{Object}Value of bound data. The type of this parameter must match the type of the bound data.
createPseudoBinding{boolean}If set to true, creates a pseudo binding if there is no current binding.
MyView.setViewData("TEST"); //Updates bound data to the string 'TEST'

Inherited setVisible(visible, collapse)
Show/hide this view/control
visible{boolean}Visibility flag (true to show view, false to hide)
collapse{boolean}Set to true to collapse the control space when visible is set to false.
MyView.setVisible(false, false); //Equivalent to MyView.hide()
MyView.setVisible(false, true); // Sets visibility to "None"

Inherited show()
Show this view/control

Inherited triggerFormulaUpdates([phase])
Broadcasts the expression trigger for the specified view
phase{int}bpmext.ui.PHASE_NORMALThe phase we are currently in