Viewing usage metrics with ILMT

Usage metrics of IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation components that are not installed on OpenShift can be viewed and collected by using IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT). ILMT discovers the software that is installed in your infrastructure, helps to analyze the consumption data, and generates reports.

Before you begin

If you installed a component on a platform that is not OpenShift (OCP), like the Workflow Process Service, then you must install ILMT to be able to meter the usage. Follow the instructions in Installing License Metric Tool.

You must upload the latest ILMT catalog to ensure the accuracy of software reporting. For more information, see Updates for License Metric Tool.

Further information on the requirements of ILMT is provided in the following links:

About this task

It is your responsibility to maintain compliance with the licensing terms and conditions. IBM® retains the right to audit the use of IBM software to verify compliance.

Note: Foundation Services includes the service to use to meter your deployments.

An ILMT report refers to processor value units (PVU), which is a unit of measurement that is used to determine the licensing cost. It is based on the type of processor that is deployed on the server where the software is installed. The number of required PVUs is based on the processor technology and the number of processors that are available to the software. For PVU-based licensing, IBM defines a processor as a processor core on a chip. For example, a dual-core processor chip has two processor cores. PVUs are assigned per core, not per processor. The number of PVUs that are assigned to a processor core is defined in the PVU per core table.

PVU licensing can be subcapacity licensing in virtualized environments. It is counted as the highest number of PVUs that are available for the VM on which the product is installed, not the total PVU count on the physical server. For more information about subcapacity licensing, see Passport Advantage® Virtualization Capacity (Subcapacity) Licensing.

For information about the rules for counting subcapacity on each virtualization type, see Virtualization Capacity License Counting Rules.


  1. Collect the required artifacts.
    1. To enable metrics on the system that is running docker, download the BigFix agent that matches the version of your ILMT server and the operating system of the environment where your containers are installed.
    2. From the system where ILMT is installed, copy the actionsite.afxm file.
      It is usually found in /var/opt/BESInstallers/Client. The file contains the information about the ILMT server.
  2. Log in to the file system of your container. Do the following tasks:
    1. In /opt/ibm/docker/software-repo/var/swRepo/public, create a directory called bigfix.
    2. Place both files (the agent installable file and the actionsite.afxm file) in /opt/ibm/docker/software-repo/var/swRepo/public/bigfix.
  3. Connect your software with ILMT.
    Specify the following properties:
    • The BigFix agent source location, which consists of the host name, the port, and the directory name. For example, https://host:9999/bigfix.
    • The BigFix agent package name, which is the package that you downloaded. For example, BESAgent-
    • The name of the action site file, which is actionsite.afxm.
  4. After successful deployment, run a data import in ILMT and explore the license information from the environment.