Managing your license entitlements
You are expected to use the Administration panel from the Cloud Pak foundational services to view the license usage information for your cluster.
About this task
For more information about the Administration panel, see IBM Cloud Pak foundational services Administration panel. To manage your licenses on all of your clusters, see License Service Reporter.
Cloud Pak for Business Automation includes the License Usage Management feature that helps your organization to manage software better by making data-driven license asset management decisions. The feature measures IBM software licenses and license deployments and displays the data to your organization in a dashboard on Red Hat Marketplace.
The feature helps your organization to do the following actions:
- Manage license deployment across your organization with greater transparency to proactively ensure license compliance.
- Allocate license resources to specific departments, projects, applications or other internal organizations to right size procurement, and identify over- or under-utilization.
- Plan for future license needs based on historical usage data.
- Gain greater insight into software environments.
Cloud Pak for Business Automation can also report on the license usage deployment across your organization by using the License Service and License Reporter services to proactively ensure license compliance and generate license usage reports on your premises and without the need to integrate and upload data to IBM Software Central (Usage Metering dashboard).
Overall License Usage Management and IBM Software Central helps your organization achieve the following goals:
- Aggregate IBM software license data by using IBM License Service.
- Deploy and configure a Red Hat OpenShift Certified Operator from the Red Hat Marketplace to submit usage data for visualization in a unified dashboard.
- Identify and display VM-based IBM software deployments, which allows you to evaluate workloads for modernization to containers.
- Provide customized tagging of license deployments to specific departments or projects.