Calculating your capacity usage

You can use the license calculator (Microsoft Excel worksheet) to help you manage your entitlements. The worksheet calculates the VPC license requirements for each of the Cloud Pak for Business Automation components that are installed on OpenShift or traditional virtual machine (VM) environments.


  1. Download the license calculator worksheet by contacting your IBM representative. For more information, see
  2. Open the worksheet, and go to the instructions in the Info tab.
  3. Go to the other tabs, and enter your values in the tables.
    Note: The values are a point in time look at capacity usage. Bear in mind that it might not account for peak usage and provides a snapshot of the overall usage.

    As you enter your values, the color of the "Totals" cell on the Managing CP4BA Capacity Licenses tab shows whether your usage exceeds your entitlements.

    • Green shows usage is equal to or less than your current entitlements.
    • Red shows usage is more than your current entitlements.