Implementing a conditional activity

A wired activity runs or is skipped depending on the process flow. You can choose to make the activity conditional so that a user can decide at run time whether to run the activity, or you can use a script to make the decision.


Complete the following steps to implement a conditional activity.

  1. Open a process.
  2. Select the activity that you want to make conditional.
  3. Under Conditions in the properties section, select the Conditional option.
    Restriction: The conditions tab is disabled for ad hoc activities (unwired activities). If a wired conditional activity is turned into an ad hoc activity by deleting wires to and from the activity, the Conditional option becomes disabled. To set conditions for an ad hoc activity, use preconditions. See Creating an unstructured (ad hoc) activity
    The activity in the process diagram includes a diamond-shaped icon to indicate that it is conditional. The diamond-shaped icon on an ad hoc activity indicates that the activity has a precondition.
  4. Select the conditional activity for execution by using one of the following options:
    Option Description
    JavaScript Enter JavaScript in the available box. It returns a valid Boolean (true or false) value. If the runtime return value of the supplied script is true, the activity is carried out.
    Note: If a script is present in the box, it overrides any human decision at run time to carry out or skip the activity.
    Set selected conditional activities If the Conditional option is enabled and no JavaScript is entered in the box, the activity is carried out only if previously selected. Use the tw.system.process.selectedConditionalActivities property to set selected conditional activities.
  5. Click Save or Finish Editing.