Activity preconditions
If the preconditions for an activity are not fully satisfied and the activity has a trigger, such as updating a case property or a filing a document. The activity remains in waiting state until the next trigger occurs to reevaluate the preconditions.
An activity with preconditions is complete after all preconditions are met. However, the trigger you defined starts only if all its preconditions are met, such as when a second document is added.
- No precondition, start activity
- An activity can have no preconditions, that is, no precondition must be met for this activity to start.
- A property condition is met
- You can design an activity that starts only if the conditions are met. You specify the
conditions by building expressions that contain case properties. For example, you can build a
property expression that contains the following conditions: one of the case properties must equal a
value, a second property value must be true, and a third property must begin with a value before the
activity can begin.
You can join the conditions by using the Boolean ALL or ANY operators.
Depending on the property type, the operators in the expression change.
- A case property is updated
- You can design an activity to start only when one or more case properties are
Optionally, you can specify more property conditions. If you specify more property conditions, the property conditions must also be met for an activity to start.
You can also mark the activity as repeatable when the precondition is satisfied.
- A document is filed in the case
- You can design an activity to start only when documents of one or more document classes from the
choice list are added to the case folder. Or you can design an activity to start when documents of
any document class are added to the case folder.
Optionally, you can specify more property conditions. If you specify more property conditions, the conditions must also be met for an activity to start.
You can mark the activity to repeat when the precondition is satisfied. For example, if your activity is to review an accident claim estimate, you can define the activity to repeat. A new activity is created and work is added to the in-basket of the case worker. The claim estimate is reviewed each time that a repair estimate document is added to the case.
- An activity has completed
- You can select any of the defined activities for the case type. Here the precondition to start
an activity is based on the completion of another selected activity.
For example, you can include several activities into an activity group, and use the completion of the activity group to trigger an activity. You can also mark the activity to repeat when the precondition is satisfied.
You can update the preconditions for an activity at any time, including on deployed solutions. If you change the expression of a property condition for a deployed solution, for activity types that have the A property condition is met precondition, run the precondition checker utility after you redeploy the solution.