Upgrading your CP4BA deployment version from 23.0.2

You can upgrade the version of the Cloud Pak for Business Automation deployment from the command line or in the OpenShift Container Platform console.

Before you begin

Before you continue make sure that you create a backup. For more information, see Backing up your environments.

When you ran the cp4a-deployment.sh script in the upgradeOperator mode, the script displayed the commands under Next Actions to continue with the upgrade. You can run the commands on your cluster. The commands in the Procedure section are examples.

About this task

The upgradeDeployment mode of the cp4a-deployment.sh script takes the following actions:

  • Updates the release version (appVersion) to 24.0.0.
  • Creates a property file with the name "cp4ba_upgrade.property" in the <cert-kubernetes>/scripts/cp4ba-upgrade/project/<project_name> folder.
  • Disables the sc_content_initialization and sc_content_verification parameters for FileNet Content Manager.
  • Removes the initialize_configuration and verify_configuration parameters.
  • Sets the save-points for the recovery_path under the bai_configuration section of the custom resource.
  • If the CP4BA deployment includes either Content, Workflow Authoring, or Document Processing patterns, then it stops the CSS/CPE/ICN services.
  • If the CP4BA deployment includes Workflow Authoring, and the connection_point_name is not in the custom resource, it is added under workflow_authoring_configuration.case.tos_list.
  • Removes all the image tags from the new version of the custom resource.
  • If in the existing 23.0.2 deployment, the shared_configuration.sc_egress_configuration.sc_restricted_internet_access parameter is set to false in the custom resource, then do not change the value to true before you complete the upgrade to 24.0.0. You can enable the restricted internet access post upgrade.
    Note: If you have already set the shared_configuration.sc_egress_configuration.sc_restricted_internet_access to true in the existing 23.0.2 deployment, then you do not need to change the value. You can continue with the upgrading tasks.


  1. Log in to the target cluster from a client.
    oc login https://<CLUSTERIP>:<port> -u <ADMINISTRATOR>
  2. Run the following script to upgrade the Cloud Pak for Business Automation deployment.
    ./cp4a-deployment.sh -m upgradeDeployment -n <project_name>

    Where <project_name> is the target namespace.

    The ./cp4a-deployment.sh script in the upgradeDeployment mode automatically creates a backup of the custom resource in this path <cert-kubernetes>/scripts/cp4ba-upgrade/project/<project_name>/custom_resource/backup.

    Attention: The script provides a list of Next Actions in a set of steps in the output. The commands that are generated in the steps can be used in your cluster as the script adds the correct values to the commands.
    The script shows the following output and the next actions.
    Image tags are removed from the new version of the custom resource "/home/cert-kubernetes/scripts/cp4ba-upgrade/project/<cp4ba-ns>/custom_resource/icp4acluster.yaml".
    Please do not set "shared_configuration.sc_egress_configuration.sc_restricted_internet_access" as "true" until after you have completed the CP4BA upgrade to 24.0.0.
    (Unless you already had this set to "true" in the CP4BA 23.0.2.x.
    You need to review or modify the new custom resource (/home/cert-kubernetes/scripts/cp4ba-upgrade/project/<cp4ba-ns>/custom_resource/icp4acluster.yaml)
    Follow the IBM Cloud Pak for Business Automation documentation before applying it.
    Next Action
    Refer to the Knowledge Center: "Updating the custom resource for each capability in your deployment" (https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/cloud-paks/cp-biz-automation/24.0.0?topic=uycpdf2-updating-custom-resource-each-capability-in-your-deployment) to complete required steps for the installed pattern(s).
    After review or modify the custom resource file "/home/cert-kubernetes/scripts/cp4ba-upgrade/project/<cp4ba-ns>/custom_resource/icp4acluster.yaml", and then you need to follow below steps to upgrade this CP4BA deployment.
    Step 1: oc apply -f /home/cert-kubernetes/scripts/cp4ba-upgrade/project/<cp4ba-ns>/custom_resource/icp4acluster.yaml -n <cp4ba-ns>
    How to check the overall upgrade status for CP4BA/zenService/IM.
    The [upgradeDeploymentStatus] option will start necessary CP4BA operators (ibm-cp4a-operator/icp4a-foundation-operator) first to upgrade zenService, and then will start all other CP4BA operators when zenService upgrade done.
    Step 2: ./cp4a-deployment.sh -m upgradeDeploymentStatus -n <cp4ba-ns>
    The zenService will be ready in about 120 minutes after the new version (24.0.0) of CP4BA custom resource was applied.
    When run the script in [upgradeDeploymentStatus] mode, the script will detect the Zen/IM ready or not.
    After the Zen/IM ready, the script will start up all CP4BA operators automatically.
    If the script run in [upgradeDeploymentStatus] mode for checking the Zen/IM timeout, you could check status follow below command.
    How to check zenService version manually:
    oc get zenService iaf-zen-cpdservice --no-headers --ignore-not-found -n <cp4ba-ns> -o jsonpath='{.status.currentVersion}'
    How to check zenService status and progress manually: 
    oc get zenService iaf-zen-cpdservice --no-headers --ignore-not-found -n <cp4ba-ns> -o jsonpath='{.status.zenStatus}'
    oc get zenService iaf-zen-cpdservice --no-headers --ignore-not-found -n <cp4ba-ns> -o jsonpath='{.status.Progress}'

What to do next

  1. Review the file that is generated.
    Note: If your deployment includes Business Automation Insights as an optional component, then the cp4a-deployment.sh script creates Business Automation Insights savepoints during the upgrade. A recovery_path parameter with the location of the savepoints is added to the generated custom resource in different sections under the bai_configuration. After the upgrade is complete, you need to remove all the instances of the recovery_path parameter from the custom resource.

    The file is a copy of your CP4BA deployment CR that the script modified for the upgrade. It is now up to you to make further modifications that it might need before you apply the CR.

    Note: A back up of the deployment CR is located in the cert-kubernetes/scripts/cp4ba-upgrade/project/<project_name>/custom_resource/backup folder.
  2. If you use custom JDBC drivers, follow the steps in Preparing customized versions of JDBC drivers and ICCSAP libraries. These instructions tell you how to host the files for use in CP4BA and how to update the CR. You might also want to check with your database vendor to make sure that you are using the best driver version for your database.
    Note: Don't apply the CP4BA CR changes until that step in the upgrade process.
  3. If in the existing 23.0.2 deployment, the shared_configuration.sc_egress_configuration.sc_restricted_internet_access parameter is set to false in the custom resource, then do not change the value to true before you complete the upgrade to 24.0.0. If you want to change the setting after the upgrade you can. For more information, see Configuring cluster security.
  4. New configuration and tuning parameters are available in 24.0.0. For more information, see Tuning performance.
  5. Go to and complete the steps in Updating the custom resource for each capability in your deployment.