Getting access to the new container images

To get access to the Cloud Pak container images, you must have an IBM entitlement registry key to pull the images from the IBM docker registry.


  1. If you are pulling images directly from the IBM Entitled Registry, verify that the pull secrets have a valid entitlement key.
  2. If you used a local image registry instead of the default IBM Entitled Registry, you must prepare your upgrade with the new images.

    Follow steps 1-4 that are described in Setting up the cluster and use a local image registry to download the new Cloud Pak archive and mirror the images.

  3. If you have an offline (airgap) environment, follow the steps in Setting up a host to mirror images to a private registry and Downloading the CASE files and cert-kubernete to set up ibm-pak plug-in, download the respective case file and further create an offline folder to contain the new case images. Mirror the 24.0.0 images to your private registry. For more information, see Mirroring catalogs to a private registry using oc mirror.