Upgrading CP4BA Process Federation Server from 22.0.2

If you installed Process Federation Server 22.0.2 on Red Hat OpenShift, you can upgrade to Process Federation Server 24.0.0.

Before you begin

Back up your data and take snapshots. You need this data to roll back after you upgrade. For more information, see Backing up your environments.


To upgrade Process Federation Server from 22.0.2 to 24.0.0, complete the following steps:

  1. Update your dependencies to the newest supported versions. For more information, see Upgrading Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform (OCP).
    Note: Elasticsearch that is provided by Cloud Pak foundational services is changed to OpenSearch. The migration should be done during Upgrading the CP4BA operators. For Process Federation Server, only saved searches index is migrated . After the update, the Process Federation Server business process definition (BPD) indexers automatically rebuild the federated BPD systems indexes in the new OpenSearch cluster. Reindexing the case federated systems data is required, see step 5.
  2. Upgrade your Cloud Pak for Business Automation deployment base operator by completing the steps in Upgrading CP4BA multi-pattern clusters from 21.0.3 or 22.0.2. Upgrade the base operator before you update the Process Federation Server YAML custom resource (CR) file.
    • To prevent connection problems during the upgrade, make sure to update your passwords for your database and LDAP that are close to expiring.
    • When you upgrade from any version, you can upgrade the operator and keep the container image tags from the previous version.
  3. Open the YAML CR file that you used to install Process Federation Server.
    • Change the spec.appVersion parameter value in the spec section to the new version.
    • Update the properties in the CR file. For more information about parameters, see CP4BA Process Federation Server parameters.

    • If your environment does not support dynamic provisioning and you have pfs_configuration.logs.storage.use_dynamic_provisioning set to false, you must create a persistent volume (PV) and persistent volume claim (PVC) for Process Federation Server. Follow the instructions in the step about creating the Process Federation Server PV and PVC in Installing a CP4BA Process Federation Server deployment. Then, update the pfs_configuration.logs.storage.existing_pvc_name parameter in the custom resource to add the PVC name.

    • Apply the changed CR file by running the following command:

      oc apply -f your_custom_resource_name
  4. Verify your Process Federation Server deployment:
    1. Verify the configuration of your applications and the status of your pods by running the following command:
      oc get pods -w
    2. Verify the instance details in the CR status fields of the components by running the following command:
      oc get pfs  <cr_instance_name> -o yaml
    3. Verify your upgrade to V24.0 by running the following command and making sure that the value of Cloud Pak Version is 24.0.0:
      oc get statefulset | grep pfs
      oc get csv|grep ibm-pfs-operator
    4. Get your Process Federation Server REST base URL by running the command:
      oc get pfs cr_name -o=jsonpath='{.status.endpoints[?(@.name=="Process Federation Server External base URL")].uri}'
      To access the Process Federation Server REST APIs, see Process Federation Server REST APIs.
  5. Complete migration from Elasticsearch to OpenSearch.

    The step requires that Business Automation Workflow is federated. Rebuild the federated systems indexes after the upgrade. Re-indexing the case federated systems data must be explicitly triggered by using the case indexing REST API. For more information about the case indexing REST API, see Indexing case instances.

What to do next

If you are using Business Automation Workflow on premise, the on-premise federation must be reconfigured following the instructions in Federating IBM Business Automation Workflow running on-premise.