Completing post-upgrade tasks

After you upgrade your container deployments, some applications might require extra configuration or verification steps.

Before you begin

You need to know the following details before you run the post-upgrade script:
  • Whether your Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator catalogs are installed in All Namespaces or not.
    Run the following command to check whether your Cloud Pak for Business Automation is in All Namespaces or not.
    oc get pods -n openshift-operators

    If you find your Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator in the openshift-operators namespace, it indicates that Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator is installed in the All Namespaces.

  • The name of your Cloud Pak for Business Automation namespace.
  • The name of your Cloud Pak foundational services namespace.

    The Cloud Pak foundational services namespace is the namespace of your Cloud Pak deployment.

  • The name of the FileNet® Content Manager secret. The default name is ibm-fncm-secret. If the FileNet Content Manager secret name in the custom resource is different from the default name, then you need to specify the secret name.


  1. Log in to the target cluster from a client.
    oc login https://<CLUSTERIP>:<port> -u <ADMINISTRATOR>
  2. Change the directory to the scripts folder under cert-kubernetes/scripts.
  3. Run the following post-upgrade script.
    ./ post-upgrade

    Enter the information that you collected to answer the questions posed by the script. The first request is whether you installed the Cloud Pak for Business Automation operator catalogs in All Namespaces or not.

    The following table shows the scenarios when you need to run the post-upgrade script.
    Table 1. Scenarios to run the post-upgrade script
    Migration mode Do you need to run the post-upgrade script?
    Namespace-scoped to namespace-scoped Yes
    Cluster-scoped to namespace-scoped Yes
  4. You can now go to and complete the post-upgrade tasks for specific capabilities in your CP4BA deployment by following the steps in the child pages.
  5. Clear browser cookies - After you complete the upgrade, notify your users to clear the browser cookies to avoid any issues in the user interfaces.
  6. After you upgrade the Cloud Pak for Business Automation deployment successfully, you need to remove recovery path from the custom resource under bai_configuration, if it exists.
  7. Uninstalling the remaining resources after you upgrade Cloud Pak foundational services and IBM Cloud Pak® for Business Automation.
    1. Run the following command to review what Cloud Pak foundational services operator versions are installed on the cluster.
      oc get csv -A | grep -i "common-service-operator"
    2. Run the following command to review the common-service-maps ConfigMap in the kube-public namespace.
      oc get configmap common-service-maps -o yaml -n kube-public

      Confirm whether all Cloud Pak namespaces (requested-from-namespace) are listed and which Cloud Pak foundational services namespaces (map-to-common-service-namespace) are associated.

    3. If you migrated from cluster-scoped to namespace-scoped, then you might have a Cloud Pak foundational services namespaces that has no Cloud Pak namespaces associated. If so, you can delete this Cloud Pak foundational services deployment. For more information, see Uninstalling foundational services.
      Make sure to delete only the Cloud Pak foundational services deployment that is not used by any Cloud Paks.
    4. After the upgrade, if no further Cloud Pak foundational services 3.x deployments exist, then you can perform the steps to remove the cs-control namespace.  For more information, see Uninstalling the remaining resources after migrating to foundational services version 4.x.


You now completed the Cloud Pak for Business Automation upgrade.