All instances of an operator need a namespace on all Kubernetes clusters. Depending on
your platform type, either prepare the namespace on OCP or on ROKS.
About this task
If you plan to use the Operator Hub in the OCP console, then you must create the necessary
namespace for the operator. You can create a namespace before or when you run the cluster setup script.
Note: If you plan to run the cluster setup script, you do not need to create the project beforehand. If you prefer, you
can create a new project by using the script.
Log in to your cluster.
Use the oc command line interface for OpenShift container platforms.
To log in to your OCP
oc login https://<cluster-ip>:<port> -u <cluster-admin> -p <password>
the <cluster-ip>:<port> is the IP address and port number of the
cluster, and the <password> is your password for your
<cluster-admin> user.
The following command shows an example cluster
URL and
oc login -u admin -p admin_pwd
To log in to your ROKS
oc login --token=<token> --server=https://<cluster-ip>:<port>
the <token> is your API token for your user on the cluster, and
<cluster-ip>:<port> is the IP address and port number of the cluster.
You can get these values by clicking Copy Login Command in the OCP
The following example command shows that the token is an almost-unique fixed-size
256-bit (32-byte)
oc login --token=sha256~5a0GogeS4oEUfG5yFCcPE2Qf-rz5exEUiFaZ4V0Iy1Y --server=
Create a namespace for the operator deployment.
You can use an existing project in the cluster or create a new namespace. You can create a
project in the OpenShift console or on the OCP CLI by running the following command.
oc new-project <project_name> --description="<description>" --display-name="<display_name>"
If you do create a project, change the scope in the OpenShift cluster to the new project
oc project <project_name>
Note: If you plan to use the All namespaces
option to install
the operator, then you must have another project in addition to openshift-operators
in the cluster before you create the deployment. If you do not have a project for the deployment,
then create one. The only way that you can install Cloud Pak for Business Automation in All
is by using the OCP console.
What to do next
You can now check that you have access to the container images. For more information, see Getting access to images from the public IBM Entitled Registry.