Setting up the cluster in the OpenShift console
About this task
IBM provides operators to OpenShift in the form of a catalog. A catalog is added to an OpenShift
cluster by using a CatalogSource
resource. After you apply a
resource, the IBM catalog appears in the OCP
OperatorHub under .
What to do next
You can monitor the operator logs with the following commands. Where the
<NAMESPACE> is the project (cp4ba-project
) that you
created and prepared for the operator. For an all namespaces installation, the namespace is always
oc project <NAMESPACE>
oc logs -f deployment/ibm-cp4a-operator -c operator
Grant permissions to non-admin user to create a CP4BA deployment
If you want to allow a non-admin user to create a CP4BA deployment, then you can get the role and cluster role names of the operator to give access to a specified user. To get the names after the operator is deployed successfully, use the following command.
oc get role | grep ibm-cp4a-operator | sort -t"t" -k1r | awk 'NR==1{print $1}'
Run the following commands for each specified user that you want to give permission to create a CP4BA deployment.
oc project <NAMESPACE>
oc adm policy add-role-to-user edit <user_name>
oc adm policy add-role-to-user registry-editor <user_name>
oc adm policy add-role-to-user <role_name> <user_name>
oc adm policy add-cluster-role-to-user <user_name>
Where <role_name> is the name of the role
that you got
from running the oc get command, and the <NAMESPACE> is the
project (cp4ba-project) that you created and prepared for the CP4BA deployment.
You can see the list of operators that are installed in your cluster on the IBM Cloud Pak foundational services.
page. For more information about foundational services, seeTo verify the foundational services installation, check whether all the pods in the namespace that is used for the CP4BA deployment are running. Use the following command:
oc get pods -n <namespace>
You can also use the following command to verify whether the services are successfully installed:
oc -n <namespace> get csv
Continue to prepare everything that you need for each capability that you want to install in Preparing your chosen capabilities.