Importing a transparent machine learning model

You use the wizard to upload ruleset models and scorecard models from your file system.

About this task

In ruleset models, historical data is used to generate a set of rules which, when executed, returns predictions. When you import a ruleset model into Decision Designer, the rules it contains can either be transformed into Automation Decision Services business rules or decision tables.

In scorecard models, metrics are used to compute a score reflecting a probability. This type of model is used, for example, to compute credit scores. When you import a scorecard model into Decision Designer, it is recommended to import it as decision tables.

Transparent machine learning models must have either the .pmml or the .xml file format.


  1. Open your predictive model and click Configure in the details panel on the right to launch the predictive model configuration wizard.
  2. Select Local machine learning model and click Next.
  3. Drag your file into the drop target area in the wizard.
    Alternatively, you can click the drop target area and navigate to the file on your local system.
  4. Select the decision logic generation method that is best suited to the type of model you imported: business rules or decision tables. Then, click Next.
  5. (Optional) The list of data types required by the machine learning model displays. Use the interactive mapping wizard to directly map these data types to data types from your data model:
    1. Click any source data type to start mapping it.
    2. Follow the mapping instructions: select a data type from your data model and an expression to map the source type to.
    3. If the source type contains attributes, map them to data types from your data model.
    Note: This step is optional. Mapping input data types can be done at any time following the procedure described in Mapping input data types.
  6. Click Apply.

What to do next

You can now map the output data from the machine learning model to data types available in your decision service.