Connecting to a remote repository automatically

By default, all projects that are created on the Automation Decision Services platform are not connected to a remote Git repository (remote repository). However, you can configure the platform to automatically create a remote repository and connect new projects to it.

Before you begin

You need to have the role for administering the Automation Decision Services platform to configure the automatic connection to a remote repository. For more information about the admin role, see Managing user permissions.

When you configure the automatic connections, the following things are possible:
  • When a user creates a project, it is connected to a remote repository automatically. This is applied for all users.
  • When the automatic connection fails, the project is still created but it is not connected to a remote repository.
  • When the automatic connection fails, you can still connect to another remote repository manually. For more information, see Connecting to a remote repository manually.
Restriction: You can configure one Git provider only. This Git provider is used for all users.

About this task

You can configure to automatically connect to a remote repository by calling a REST API method for Automation Decision Services.

To do so, you must use a valid Zen bearer token.


Configure, display, delete, or update the automatic connection by sending a REST API HTTP call.

Configuring for the automatic connection

To configure for automatically connecting to a remote repository, use this REST API endpoint:
POST ads/rest-api/api/admin/git-providers
JSON body:
"name": "my-provider",
"uri": "",
"type": "GITHUB",
"usePrivateFlag": true,
"apiCredentialsType": "USERNAME_PASSWORD",
"apiCredentials": "my-user:my-password",
"gitCredentialsType": "USERNAME_PASSWORD",
"gitCredentials": "my-user:my-password"
Table 1. Attributes
Attribute Mandatory or Optional Description
name Mandatory

A unique name for your Git provider.

uri Mandatory

The URL for your Git provider API.

The current default paths for the supported Git providers:
  • Gitea:
  • GitHub:
  • GitLab:
Tip: You might need to use a different URL and path for specific cases; for example, for, the URL for the provider API is

The https protocol must be used.

Certificates must be properly recognized by the Git service pods.

type Mandatory

The type of your provider.

You can choose one of them:
apiCredentialsType Mandatory

The type of credentials to access the Git provider API.

  • USERNAME_PASSWORD is compatible with Gitea or GitHub.
  • ACCESS_TOKEN is compatible with Gitea, GitHub, or GitLab.

You cannot use a clear password for GitHub, and it must be a personal access token instead.

apiCredentials Mandatory

The value of the credentials.

When you use username and password, they must be separated by a colon (:).

gitCredentialsType Mandatory

The type of credentials to access the git repositories.

You can use one of them:
  • KEY (SSH key)
gitCredentials Mandatory

The value of the credentials.

Restriction: You can use only RSA or OpenSSH format.
remoteOrg Optional

The organization and namespace to create the repository into.

When it's left empty, it uses the default organization of the user that is defined in the apiCredentials attribute.

usePrivateFlag Optional

It is set to false by default.

When it is set to true, the remote repository has private visibility.

Note: If you set it to true, the user who is defined in the gitCredentials attribute must have access to the remote repository. Use the same user as the one defined in apiCredentials, or use organization privileges.

Displaying the automatic connection

To display the automatic connection, use this REST API endpoint:
GET  ads/rest-api/api/admin/git-providers

The credentials are not displayed for security reasons.

Disabling the automatic connection

To disable the automatic connection, use this REST API endpoint:
DELETE ads/rest-api/api/admin/git-providers/my-provider
where my-provider is the name of the provider to be deleted.

Updating the automatic connection

To update the automatic connection, use this REST API endpoint:
POST ads/rest-api/api/admin/git-providers/my-provider
where my-provider is the name of the provider to be updated.

JSON body is the same as the one that is described in Configuring for automatically connecting to a remote repository:

  • You must provide all attributes, except that you can omit the credentials. When you don't provide the credentials, they remain unchanged.
    Restriction: You cannot update the credentials types: apiCredentialsType and gitCredentialsType.
  • When you provide the Git credentials, the corresponding secret value is updated. All Git repositories that are previously created with this provider are affected.