Optional: Enabling Liberty feature to integrate with IBM MQ

To integrate with IBM MQ, enable the MQ JMS client feature and add the IBM MQ resource adapter. JavaMail is enabled by default.


  1. To integrate with MQ, complete the following steps.
    1. To download and generate the MQ resource adapter file, follow steps 1 to 4 in Installing the resource adapter in Liberty.
    2. Put the downloaded MQ resource adapter file (for example, wmq.jmsra.rar) into the custom location that is set for the baw_configuration.storage.existing_pvc_for_filestore parameter, which is mounted inside the Workflow server container at /opt/ibm/bawfile.
    3. Configure the resource adapter and JMS queue to connect to your MQ engine by customizing the Liberty custom XML file that is set in the baw_configuration[x].liberty_custom_xml parameter.
      The following file is an example.
         <!-- configure wmqJmsClient.rar.location pointing to your resoruce adapter file -->
         <variable name="wmqJmsClient.rar.location" value="/opt/ibm/bawfile/wmq.jmsra.rar" />
         <!-- configure queue connection factory and queue to connect to your MQ engine -->
         <variable name="MQ_CONNECTION_LIST" value="mqinternal.test.fra02.diagnosis.aftersales.daimler.com(1414)" />
         <variable name="MQ_QMGR_NAME" value="VDCTQMI" />
         <variable name="JMS_ASPC001_ECE_CHN" value="VDI.ASPC001" />
         <jmsQueueConnectionFactory id="jms/QCF" jndiName="jms/QCF">
             <properties.wmqJms connectionNameList="${MQ_CONNECTION_LIST}"
                 queueManager="${MQ_QMGR_NAME}" channel="SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN"
                 transportType="CLIENT" targetClientMatching="false" />
             <connectionManager connectionTimeout="20s"></connectionManager>
          <!-- JMS Queues -->
         <jmsQueue jndiName="jms/ASPC001_ECE_CHN" id="jms/ASPC001_ECE_CHN">
             <properties.wmqJms baseQueueManagerName="${MQ_QMGR_NAME}" baseQueueName="${JMS_ASPC001_ECE_CHN}" />
  2. After you modify the custom resource file, you must update your deployment to have it take effect.
    Follow the instructions in Updating deployments.