Retrieving the Content event emitter module for configuration in the Cloud Pak

After you deploy the Business Automation Insights and Content Platform Engine containers on Certified Kubernetes, obtain the Content event emitter code module.

About this task

You need access to the installation media for Content Platform Engine to obtain the JAR files that are used in these steps, either from the container, or from the installation media. The JAR files are located in the ContentBAI folder and the bai-content-emitter.jar file is located in the ContentBAI\eventhandler folder.

On the infrastructure node of your cluster, retrieve the bai-content-emitter.jar file and copy it to the /opt/downloads directory.


  1. To create a working directory, run the commands:
    mkdir /opt/downloads
    cd /opt/downloads
  2. Copy the content event emitter code module from the Content Platform Engine Docker image into your downloads directory.
    POD=$(kubectl get pod | grep cpe-deploy- | awk '{print $1}')
    kubectl cp $POD:lib/ContentBAI/eventhandler/bai-content-emitter.jar ./bai-content-emitter.jar

What to do next

You are ready to start configuring the Content event emitter.