Preparing the database

To deploy IBM Business Automation Navigator, you must prepare a separate database in advance.


Prepare the IBM Business Automation Navigator database:
For details about configuring a Db2 database for your IBM Business Automation Navigator deployment, see Creating a Db2® database for Navigator
For details about configuring an Oracle database for your IBM Business Automation Navigator deployment, see Creating an Oracle database for Navigator.
 New in 20.0.3  Microsoft SQL Server
You create both a database and a schema for the container deployment, for example:
create database <dbName>
** connect to database ** 
create schema <schemaName>

For details about configuring a Microsoft SQL Server database for your IBM Content Navigator deployment, see Setting up a Microsoft SQL Server database.

 New in 20.0.3  PostgreSQL
Set up your PostgreSQL database and record the database settings. For more information about PostgreSQL, see Setting up a PostgreSQL database