Adding a partner switch for HA

You can add a new redundant fabric switch FabSw1b to create a highly available (HA) network.

Note: If Cloud Pak for Data System is configured with HA switches, bonding must be used. Single ports are not supported. Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) 802.3ad is the only supported bonding mode. Switch settings must not be changed in any other files than the YAML file.


  1. Connect to e1n1 by using the management floating IP.
  2. Follow Switch settings to update the following entries in the switches: hosts: FabSw1a: part of the file:
    • lacp_link: True
    • clag_id must be a unique unused number next in the sequence of 100, 101
    • partner_switch: 'FabSw1b'
  3. Validate the YAML file.
  4. Test the YAML file and run the playbooks.