Adding group password policies

Before you begin

Before you add password policy attributes, verify the status of password policy by running apsysusermgmt list-pwpolicy as described in Listing password policies.

About this task

Group-level policies do not exist by default, you must create them manually. You can add password policies using the add-pwpolicy command.

  • If you set the --systemrole parameter to Admin, you can create a password policy for the ibmapsysadmins group.
  • If you set the --systemrole parameter to User, you can create a password policy for the ibmapsysusers group.
Note: The ibmapsysadmins group is above the ibmapsysusers group.


Adding password policy to the ibmapsysadmins group:
[root@e1n1~]# apsysusermgmt add-pwpolicy --systemrole=Admin --minlife=1 --maxlife=1 
--minclasses=4 --minlength=9 --history=2 --maxfail=3 --failinterval=60 --lockouttime=600
Added password policy to group 'ibmapsysadmins'