Displaying software components and statuses

You can use the web console or command line interface to view the software inventory components that are monitored by Platform Manager.


Use one of the following approaches:
  • Use the web console. On the main page, click Monitor > Software overview. The software components and their statuses are displayed in the table.
  • Use the ap sw command to display the system main software components only, or ap sw -d to display the full list of all software inventory items that are being monitored.
    [root@e1n1 ~]# ap sw
    | Name              | Location                                      | Status  | Version         |
    | ICP4D Service     | icp4d                                         | OK      | 3.0.1           |
    | Openshift Node    | openshift/kvm.e1n1-1-control/enclosure1.node1 | OK      | v1.11.0+d4cacc0 |
    | Openshift Node    | openshift/kvm.e1n2-1-control/enclosure1.node2 | OK      | v1.11.0+d4cacc0 |
    | Openshift Node    | openshift/kvm.e1n3-1-control/enclosure1.node3 | OK      | v1.11.0+d4cacc0 |
    | Openshift Node    | openshift/kvm.e1n4-1-worker/enclosure1.node4  | OK      | v1.11.0+d4cacc0 |
    | Openshift Node    | openshift/kvm.e2n1-1-worker/enclosure2.node1  | OK      | v1.11.0+d4cacc0 |
    | Openshift Node    | openshift/kvm.e2n2-1-worker/enclosure2.node2  | OK      | v1.11.0+d4cacc0 |
    | Openshift Service | openshift                                     | OK      | v3.11.188       |
    | Portworx Cluster  | portworx.cluster1                             | OK      | |
    | Web Console       | webconsole                                    | OK      |       |
    For more information, see ap command.