Recreating the YAML file on e1n1

If the network configuration customer_config.yml file on e1n1 is lost, you can try the following options to retrieve the information to recreate the file.

  • Look for a backup file on e1n2 and e1n3. If the files exist and match, this might be the correct configuration. Restore either file to e1n1.
    Note: When creating or editing the yml file on your system, note that there must be only one .yml file apart from the template in the /opt/ibm/appliance/platform/apos-comms/customer_network_config/ansible directory, otherwise you might face issues when configuring the network.
  • apdiag collect has a copy of the .yml file in its collection. Look for this file and restore it to e1n1.
  • cl-support has the switch configuration information that can be populated into a new .yml file.
  • ifconfig on all nodes can return the management and application IP information.