Interim Fix 1 release notes

Cloud Pak for Data System IF1 is the interim fix for and it includes customer-specific issues like PCI and fab-switch reboots.

It applies the following fixes:

  • PCI Alerts issue:
    • A feature has been developed to manage PCI notifications that creates no real threats. When the flag is set to FALSE, you will not receive these notifications. If set to TRUE, you receive the notifications. This removes the unwanted alerts.
  • Reboot Fab-switch:
    • The fab-switch reboot functionality improves switch performance by automatically rebooting when memory usage exceeds the limit or it is not rebooted for a long time.
For IF1, a configuration JSON file /usr/lib/python3.6/site-packages/magnetotools/cfg/defaults.json is included. It enables you to change the settings for both issues as needed.
  • PCI alert issue:
    • To ensure that the PCI alert is properly shown, set the flag value for raise_hw_alert_when_pcie_link_speed_has_degraded to TRUE in the given file. If it is not set, The PCI alerts stays hidden.
  • Reboot Fab-switch policy:
    Please edit the parameters below as per the requirements:
    • "fabsw_reboot_policy_uptime_threshold_days": 180
    • "fabsw_reboot_policy_memory_available_threshold_percentage": 30
    • "fabsw_reboot_policy_mindays_uptime": 3
    • "fabsw_reboot_policy_excluded_switches": ""

Before you begin

Network setup prerequisites:
  • Before you begin the upgrade, from the /opt/ibm/appliance/platform/apos-comms/customer_network_config/ansible directory, run the following command:
    ANSIBLE_HASH_BEHAVIOUR=merge ansible-playbook -i ./System_Name.yml playbooks/house_config.yml --check -v
    If changes are listed in --check --v, make sure that they are as expected. If they are unexpected, you must modify the YAML file to include only the expected changes. You can run this command as many times as necessary until there are no errors.
Netezza prerequisites:
  • Upgrade to Netezza Performance Server

About this task

Upgrade to IF1 is supported for systems that use Only the system bundle is updated in IF1.

Note: Cloud Pak for Data System IF1 includes all of the security fixes from SP33. You can install the security patch SP34 or later.
Note: The upgrade procedure is performed by IBM Support.


  1. Connect to the node e1n1 management interface using the custom_hostname or ip values from your System_Name.yml file.
  2. Run the following command to check the hub node and verify that the entry for e1n1 shows YES for both Master and Hub:
    ap node -d
    [root@e1n1 ~]# ap node -d
    | Node             |   State | Personality | Monitored | Is Master | Is HUB | Is VDB Master | Is NRS Master |
    | enclosure1.node1 | ENABLED | CONTROL     |       YES |       YES |    YES |            NO |            NO |
    If either Master or Hub shows NO, the e1n1 entry for Master and Hub must be set to YES before the upgrade.
    Note: If you upgrade to IF1 without setting the e1n1 as Master and Hub, the upgrade might fail.
  3. Download the icpds-release- bundle from Fix Central and copy it to /localrepo on e1n1.
    Note: Make sure that you delete all bundle files from previous releases.
  4. From the /localrepo directory, on node e1n1, run the following command:

    Move the system bundle to that directory. The directory that is used here must have a unique name. For example, no previous system upgrades have been executed from a directory with the same name.

  5. Verify the status of your appliance by running:
    • ap issues
    • ap version -s
    • ap sw
  6. Run upgrade details to view details about the specific upgrade version:
    apupgrade --upgrade-details --upgrade-directory /localrepo --use-version --bundle system
  7. Before starting the upgrading process, run preliminary checks by using the --preliminary-check option based on your requirements:
    apupgrade --preliminary-check --upgrade-directory /localrepo --use-version --bundle system
  8. If you only want to check for potential issues and cannot accept any system disruptions. The test is noninvasive, and it can be repeated as needed. After you run the preliminary checks, The following output is displayed:
    All preliminary checks complete
    Finished running pre-checks.
  9. Run the preliminary checks with --preliminary-check-with-fixes option:
    apupgrade --preliminary-check-with-fixes --upgrade-directory /localrepo --use-version --bundle system
  10. Start the upgrade process:
    apupgrade --upgrade --upgrade-directory /localrepo --use-version --bundle system