
The probe breaks event data down into tokens and parses them into elements. Elements are used to assign values to ObjectServer fields; the field values contain the event details in a form that the ObjectServer understands.

The following tables describe the elements that the Generic Probe for TMF814 generates. Not all the elements described are generated for each event; the elements that the probe generates depends upon the event type. The data type and, where applicable, enumeration values for these elements are defined in the TMF814 standard.

Table 1. Elements specific to events

Element name

Element description


This element indicates the acknowledgement status of the alarm. The possible values are:


A list of attrbiutes and their values associated with the event.


This element identifies the TMF specification that defines the received event. For example:



This element indicates whether the event applies to a termination point that is an edge point. The element has the following possible values:

  • true
  • false


This element indicates the time at which the alarm was reported by the EMS.


This element indicates the name of the event.


This element indicates the type of the event.


This element indicates the name of the group for this event.


This element indicates whether the alarm can be cleared. The possible values are:




This element indicates the layer to which the alarm applies.


This element contains the name of the object reporting the alarm, as displayed in the EMS user interface.

Note: Object names must not contain brackets. If brackets are passed to the $nativeEMSName element as part of an object name, the node field in the event list is not filled.


This elements indicates the time at which the error occurred in the network element.


This element contains the unique identifier of the alarm. This is derived from the serial number of the alarm as used by the EMS.


This element contains the identifier of the alert associated with this object.


This element contains the name of the EMS that the alarm relates to.


This element Contains the identification of the equipment that the EMS is part of.


This element contains the identification of the equipment holder for the EMS.


This element contains the identifier of the managed element that the alert relates to.


This element contains the type of network object that the alert relates to.


This element contains the severity of the alert as perceived by the EMS.


This element holds the content of all the route_cc elements.


This element contains the number of cross-connect entries in the specification of this route.

$route_ccentry number_active

This element indicates whether the route is active. This element can take one of the following values:
  • true
  • false

$route_ccentry number_direction

This element indicates the direction of data flow. This element can take one of the following values:

UNIdirectional: From the source termination point to the sink termination point.

BIdirectional : A two-way communication from and to both termination points.

$route_ccentry number_ccType

This element indicates the type of connection. This element can take the following values:

$route_ccentry number_additionalInfo

This element contains a comma-separated list of the route parameters.


This element contains the SNC state of the event. This element can take the following values:

SNCS_PENDING: The SNC has been created by an NMS and has not been activated by any NMS; or the SNC has been successfully deactivated by an NMS.

SNCS_ACTIVE: The SNC is not in pending state, a route has been assigned to the SNC and all cross-connects for the SNC are active in the network.

SNCS_PARTIAL: The SNC is not in pending state, and either a route has not been assigned to the SNC, or not all of the cross-connects of the SNC are active in the network.

SNCS_NONEXISTENT: This is used in to report SNCs that have been deleted.


This element holds the content of all the tpsToModify elements.


This element contains the total number of termination point data items in this termination point data list.


This element contains the name of the termination point in the form of comma separated of name-value pairs.


This element contains mapping mode for the termination point. one of below values:
  • TM_NA

$tpsToModify_tpdindex _transmissionParamsLayersCount

This element contains total number of layers with different rates for the current termination point data.

$tpsToModify_tpdindex _transmissionParamsLayersRateindex rate number_paramsCount

This element contains number of transmission parameters for the current termination point data and this named layer.

$tpsToModify_tpdindex _transmissionParamsLayersRate number_name

This element contains the value of this parameter.

$tpsToModify_tpdindex _ingressTrafficDescriptorName

This element contains an ingress (incoming) traffic descriptor or transmission descriptor in the form of comma separated name-value pairs.

$tpsToModify_tpdindex _egressTrafficDescriptorName

This element contains an egress (outgoing) traffic descriptor or transmission descriptor in the form of comma separated name-value pairs.


This element holds the content of all the transmissionParameters elements.


This element contains the total number of layers with different rates.

$transmissionParameters_layerRaterate number_paramsCount

This element contains number of transmission parameters for this named layer.

$transmissionParameters_layerRaterate number_param name

This element contains the value of the transmission parameter for the named layer and the named parameter.

Table 2. Elements specific to protection switch events

Element name

Element description


This identifies the protected equipment when the switch is made.


This element identifies the protected termination point when the switch occurred.


This element identifies the type of the protection switch


This element identifies the source equipment where the switch is being made.


This element identifies the source termination point where the switch is being made


This element indicates why the switch occurred.


This element identifies the destination equipment where the switch is being made.


This element identifies the destination termination point where the switch is being made.

Table 3. Elements specific to alarms

Element name

Element description


This element contains additional information about the alarm.


This element contains a brief description of the problem being reported by the alarm.


This element identifies list of termination points affected by the problem being reported.


This element displays the list of termination points affected by the problem being reported.


This element indicates the probable cause as given in the EMS user interface.


This element contains the probable cause of the alarm.


This element contains the qualifier used to classify the alarm type.


This element indicates whether an alarm is a root alarm. This alarm has the following possible values:

True (The alarm is a root alarm)

False (The alarm is a common alarm)


This element indicates whether the alarm has affected the service.


This element indicates the ITU-T X733 additional information of the event. This consists of a list of up to five elements:

  • $X733::AdditonalInfo_AlarmNO
  • $X733::AdditionalInfo_DEVICE_LABEL
  • $X733::AdditionalInfo_DeviceIP
  • $X733::AdditionalInfo_Label
  • $X733::AdditionalInfo_UserLabel


This element identifies the object that provides back-up services for the object that is the subject of an event.


This element indicates whether the object that is the subject of an event has been backed-up. It has the following possible values:



When the attribute has the value BACKED_UP, the value of the $X.733::BackUpObject identifies the back-up object.


This element contains a list of root alarms that cause correlative alarms. This alarm has the following possible values:

  • soSource (This field is always empty)
  • notifIDs (For correlative alarms this field displays the serial number of the root alarm. For example, if alarm A causes alarm B, and alarm B causes alarm C this field will display alarm C along with the serial numbers of alarm A and alarm B.)


This element contains the alarms classified into the following six basic types according to the ITU-T X.733:

  • communicationsAlarm
  • qualityofServiceAlarm
  • equipmentAlarm
  • processingErrorAlarm
  • securityAlarm
  • environmentalAlarm


This element displays identifies one or more attributes of the managed object and their corresponding values at the time of the event.


This element contains one or more proposed repair actions suggested by the EMS when it knows the probable cause and can suggest solutions to the event.


This element identifies further refinements of the probable cause of an event.


This element compares the severity of the current alarm with that of all outstanding alarms raised for the object and indicates whether the severity has increased, decreased, or stayed the same.

Table 4. Elements specific to threshold crossing alerts

Element name

Element description


This element contains the details of the threshold that has been crossed.


This element indicates the pmLocation where the threshold has been crossed


This element contains the pmParameter that has crossed the threshold.


This element indicates whether a threshold was set for the log report.


This element contains the faulty program unit.


This element contains the threshold value.