Commands supported by the probe over HTTP/HTTPS

The following sections define the structure of the JSON-formatted commands that you can send to the probe. There is an example of each command.

All the examples use a probe URI of and a HTTP listening port of 6789.


Use the ackAlarm command to acknowledge an alarm.

The format of the -data option for the ackAlarm command is:

-data '{"command":"ackAlarm", "params":[{"alarmId":"alarmId", "emsId":"emsId", "managedElementId":"managedElementId", "username":"username"}]}'


  • alarmId is the identifier stored in the alarm's emsAlarmId field.
  • emsId is the identifier stored in the alarm's EMS field.
  • managedElementId is the identifier stored in the alarm's ManagedElement field.
  • username is the user name of the user acknowledging the alarm (the default is root).

The following example acknowledges the alarm with the following characteristics:

  • Alarm Identifier: alarm1
  • EMS Identifier: EMS1
  • Managed Element Identifier: ME1
  • Username: root

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri -datatype application/JSON -method POST -data '{"command":"ackAlarm", "params":[{"alarmId":"alarm1", "emsId":"EMS1", "managedElementId":"ME1", "username":"root"}]}'


Use the help command to receive help information about the HTTP/HTTPS command interface.

The format of the -data option for the help command is:

-data '{"command":"help","params":[]}'

The following command returns help information:

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri -datatype application/JSON -method POST -data '{"command":"help", "params":[]}'

The response from the probe includes the following message:

Information: I-UNK-104-002: {"response":"Available commands: ackAlarm(alarmId String,emsId String,managedElementId String,username String), unackAlarm(alarmId String,emsId String,managedElementId String,username String), resync(), resyncFilter(excludeSeverity String,excludePbCause String), stop() ","status":"200"}


Use the resync command to perform a resynchronization with the endpoint using the value specified by the ResyncSeverityFilter and ResyncProbableCauseFilter properties.

The format of the -data option for the resync command is:

-data '{"command":"resync", "params":[]}'

The following example resynchronizes the probe:

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri -datatype application/JSON -method POST -data '{"command":"resync", "params":[]}'


Use the resyncFilter command to perform a resynchronization using a custom filter.

The format of the -data option for the resyncFilter command is:

-data '{"command":"resyncFilter","params":[{"excludeSeverity":"sev=severities", "excludePbCause":"pbCause=probable-causes"}]}'


  • severities is a list of severities to exclude when the probe resynchronizes with the CORBA interface. Separate each entry in the list with a semicolon.
  • probable-causes is a list of probable causes to exclude when the probe resynchronizes with the CORBA interface. Separate each entry in the list with a semicolon.

The following example resynchronizes the probe an excludes alarms with a severity of PS_CLEARED or PS_WARNING:

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri -datatype application/JSON -method POST -data '{"command":"resyncFilter", "params":[{"excludeSeverity":"sev=PS_CLEARED;PS_WARNING", "excludePbCause":"pbCause="}]}'


Use the stop command to shut down the probe.

The format of the -data option for the stop command is:

-data '{"command":"stop", "params":[]}'

The following example stops the probe:

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri -datatype application/JSON -method POST -data '{"command":"stop", "params":[]}'


Use the unackAlarm command to clear an alarm.

The format of the -data option for the unackAlarm command is:

-data '{"command":"unackAlarm", "params":[{"alarmId":"alarmId", "emsId":"emsId", "managedElementId":"managedElementId", "username":"username"}]}'

The parameters have the same meanings as they do for the ackAlarm command.

The following example "unackanowledges" (clears) the alarm with the same characteristics as the example of the ackAlarm command:

$OMNIHOME/bin/nco_http -uri -datatype application/JSON -method POST -data '{"command":"unackAlarm", "params":[{"alarmId":"alarm1", "emsId":"EMS1", "managedElementId":"ME1", "username":"root"}]}'